BE/MEAM Seminar: “Microbes in Biomechanics” (Christopher J. Hernandez)
This event will be held virtually on Zoom – check email for link or contact The idea that mechanical stresses influence the growth and form of organs and organisms […]
MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Reactive Planning with Legged Robots in Unknown Environments”
Unlike the problem of safe task and motion planning in a completely known environment, the setting where the obstacles in a robot’s workspace are not initially known and are incrementally […]
MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Structural and Mechanical Responses to Intermittent Parathyroid Hormone Treatment, Discontinuation, and Cyclic Administration Regimens”
Bone mineral density rapidly decreases upon withdrawal from intermittent parathyroid hormone (PTH) treatment despite its potent effect of promoting bone formation. To better understand this adverse phenomenon, this study first […]
MEAM Seminar: “Bridging Physical Models and Observational Data with Physics-informed Deep Learning”
Physical models of many natural and engineered systems are, at best, only partially known; a common setting under which classical analytical or computational tools inevitably face challenges and introduce many […]
MEAM Seminar: “How to Make Your Ocean Smarter”
Our oceans drive worldwide weather-climate systems; our rivers serve as nutrient conduits; and our marine ecosystems house the largest repository of biodiversity and mineral resources on the planet. Humans have […]
MEAM Seminar: “Bilevel Optimization for Control, Learning, and Multi-contact Robotics”
Whether operating in a manufacturing plant or assisting within the home, many robotic tasks requires safe and controlled interaction with a complex and changing world. In this talk, I will […]
MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “All-Passive Hardware Architectures for Neuromorphic Computation”
Human brains demonstrate how simple computational primitives can be combined in massively parallel ways to produce networks capable of identifying complicated patterns in sensory data. In contrast, electronic computers adopt […]
MEAM PhD Thesis Defense: “Delivering Expressive and Personalized Fingertip Tactile Cues”
Wearable haptic devices have seen growing interest in recent years, but providing realistic tactile feedback is not a challenge that is soon to be solved. Daily interactions with physical objects […]
MEAM PHD Thesis Defense: “Control of Dry Adhesion via Mechanics and Structuring”
Dry adhesives that rely on van der Waals forces have a number of applications due to their versatility, reusability, and repeatability. Applications include small-scale pick-and-place and microtransfer printing processes, wearable […]
MEAM Seminar: “Operator Inference: Bridging Model Reduction and Scientific Machine Learning”
Model reduction methods have grown from the computational science community, with a focus on reducing high-dimensional models that arise from physics-based modeling, whereas machine learning has grown from the computer […]