CBE Seminar: “From Trash to Treasure: Advancing the Heterogeneous Catalytic Deconstruction and Upcycling of Waste Polyolefins”

Wu and Chen Auditorium (Room 101), Levine Hall 3330 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Abstract The rapid global consumption of single-use plastics has caused an unsustainable accumulation of plastic waste in landfills and the environment. Unfortunately, current mechanical recycling methods are expensive and produce […]

MSE Seminar: “Thermodynamic contributions to glass fragility”


Liquid fragility characterizes the rate of drop off in viscosity of a glass-forming liquid as its temperature increases above the glass transition. This property is fundamental to glass physics and […]

CIS Seminar: “Sublinear Algorithms for Massive Datasets”

Wu and Chen Auditorium (Room 101), Levine Hall 3330 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

This talk will be on zoom as well: https://upenn.zoom.us/j/92928358554?pwd=MWdDU0lJRmE3U0hDWUdmU284UmNGZz09
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554
Passcode: 488035