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ESE Seminar: “From Nanotech to Living Sensors: Unraveling the Spin Physics of Biosensing at the Nanoscale”

I am a quantum engineer interested in how quantum physics informs biology at the nanoscale. As a physicist, I have developed high-performance nanosensors that essentially worked due to room-temperature quantum […]

ESE Seminar: “Local Geometric Spectral Data Analysis”

Modern technological developments have enabled the acquisition and storage of increasingly large-scale, high-resolution, and high-dimensional data in many fields. Yet in domains such as biomedical data, the complexity of these […]

ESE Seminar: “Hybrid Quantum Networks: Interfacing Photons, Phonons, and Superconducting Qubits”

Quantum information science strives to utilize the fundamental laws of physics to achieve revolutionary improvement in computation, communication, and sensing. Existing quantum protocols rely on a wide variety of physical […]

ESE Seminar: “Hardware Acceleration in the World of Emerging Applications”

Abstract: Semiconductor technology scaling coming to a screeching halt, coupled with the explosion of data in almost every facet of our lives, makes processing large volumes of data efficiently a […]

ESE Seminar: “Liquid Silicon: A New Computing Paradigm Enabled by Monolithic 3D Cross-Point Memory”

Almost every subfield of electrical engineering and computer science are undergoing disruptive times. With Moore’s Law coming to an end, an expanded roadmap for semiconductors beyond traditional CMOS scaling becomes […]

ESE Seminar: “Efficient Mid-Infrared Photodetection Using Graphene Plasmons at Room Temperature”

In the history of materials development, many classic materials (Si, III-Vs, organics, etc.) which can be produced reliably at large scale eventually have found critical applications after decades of intensive […]

The Jack Keil Wolf Lecture in Electrical and Systems Engineering: “The Invention of High Efficient Blue LEDs and Future Solid State Lighting”

ESE Seminar: “Towards a Seamless Integration of Drones in Smart Cities: Communications and Security”

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), popularly known as drones, will be an integral component of emerging smart city applications ranging from delivery of goods to flying taxis. However, […]

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