Calendar of Events

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Tedori-Callinan Distinguished Lecture: “Origami”


ESE Spring Seminar – “Developing next-generation wireless, bioelectronic cellular medicine”


CIS/IDEAS Seminar: “Flow matching and optimal transport with applications to cell trajectories and protein design”

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ASSET Seminar: “Building a Foundation for Trustworthy Machine Learning” (Elan Rosenfeld, Carnegie Mellon University)


Spring 2024 GRASP SFI: Madhur Behl, University of Virginia, “Bringing AI Up To Speed”


Condensed and Living Matter Seminar Series – “Optical Neural Networks for Faster AI and Superresolution Imaging”

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MSE Seminar: “The Surface Dynamics of the Initial Stages of CU Oxidation”


ESE Spring Seminar – “Neural Mechatronics and Mixed Reality for Patient Care”


BE Seminar: “A Task-Optimized Approach to Systems Neuroscience” (Aran Nayebi, MIT)

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MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Computational Study on Rough Wall-Bounded Flows and their Effects at Low and Very-High Reynolds Numbers”

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Penn Engineering 2023-24 Heilmeier Faculty Award Lecture: Arjun Raj

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ASSET Seminar: “What Should We “Trust” in Trustworthy Machine Learning?” (Aaron Roth, University of Pennsylvania)


MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Implementation and Performance of Wall Models for Large Eddy Simulation of Non-equilibrium Turbulent Boundary Layers”

ESE PhD Thesis Defense: “Scalable and Risk-Aware Verification of Learning Enabled Autonomous Systems”

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MSE Seminar: “Thermal Architecture”

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MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Controlling Fracture Behavior Through Architecture”


Spring 2024 GRASP on Robotics: David Fridovich-Keil, University of Texas at Austin, “Information-Aware Algorithms for Smooth Dynamic Games”


PICS Colloquium: “Modeling Lone Pair Dynamics in Materials”

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5 events,


ESE PhD Thesis Defense: “Multiferroic Micro Electromechanical Systems for Magnetic Sensing and Wireless Power Transfer in Biomedical Applications”


BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “The Origin and Factors Affecting Differentiation of Progenitor Cells in Tendon-to-Bone Integration” (Tim Kamalitdinov)


MEAM Seminar: “Cardiovascular Engineering – A ‘Personal’ Journey from Bench to Bedside”

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ASSET Seminar: “Reasoning Myths about Language Models: What is Next?” (Dan Roth, University of Pennsylvania)


Webinar: “Engineering in the Age of AI”


BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Deep Learning for Unpaired Domain Adaptive Medical Image Segmentation” (Yuemeng Li)

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MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Do the Twist: Toward Agile Control of an Axially Twisting Robotic Quadruped”


Benjamin Franklin Medal in Mechanical Engineering Lecture: “Molecular and Micro-Structural Mechanics and Design of Soft Materials”

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Spring 2024 GRASP on Robotics: Kristi Morgansen, University of Washington, “Integrated Sensing and Actuation for Robust Flight Systems”


2024 Bioengineering Graduate Research Symposium


PICS Colloquium: “Physics-compatible kinetic-energy and entropy preserving (KEEP) scheme for high-fidelity simulation of compressible turbulence”

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MEAM Master’s Thesis Defense: “Optical Analysis of Buckling-Induced Micro-Robotic Membranes”

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MEAM Seminar: “Flows About Superhydrophobic Surfaces”


MEAM Master’s Thesis Defense: “Gaussian Process-Based Active Exploration Strategies in Vision and Touch”

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Featured -

John A. Quinn Distinguished Lecture in Chemical Engineering: “Exploring the Physics, Materials Science, and Biological Implications of Polyelectrolyte Complexation” (Matthew Tirrell, University of Chicago)


PICS Colloquium: “Exploiting time-domain parallelism to accelerate neural network training and PDE constrained optimization”


ASSET Seminar: “Statistical Methods for Trustworthy Language Modeling” (Tatsu Hashimoto, Stanford University)

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MSE Seminar: “Probabilistic Digital Twins for Structure Preserving Simulation and Scientific Discovery”


PRECISE Seminar: Optical Coherence Tomography – From Conception to Current Frontiers

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Spring 2024 GRASP on Robotics: Marco Pavone, Stanford University & NVIDIA, “Rethinking AV Development with AV Foundation Models”


MEAM Master’s Thesis Defense: “The Rheology and Microphysics of Monodisperse Synthetic Mucin”


Entrepreneurship Seminar Series: Pathways to Impact

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MEAM Master’s Thesis Defense: “Modeling Off-Grid Photovoltaics Integrated with Micro-Cogeneration and Electrical Energy Storage”

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MEAM Seminar: “Collective Transitions in Beating Cilia and Swimming Fish”


AI Month: Closing Keynote Address

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ASSET Seminar: “Lifelong Learning for Autonomous Systems: Progress and Challenges” (Eric Eaton, University of Pennsylvania)

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Penn NRT Soft AE Annual Symposium: Exploring research & educational intersections of soft materials, autonomous experimentation & science policy

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