Calendar of Events

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ESE Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Wave Interaction with Nonreciprocal Swift-Electron Platforms and Reconfigurable Metasurfaces”


MSE Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Controlling Assembly of Polymer-grafted Nanoparticles to Enhance Mechanical Properties in Polymer Nanocomposite Films”

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ASSET Seminar: “Poison and Cure: Non-Convex Optimization Techniques for Private Synthetic Data and Reconstruction Attacks”

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MSE Grace Hopper Lecture: “Bioelectronics to Probe Brain-Body Physiology” (Polina Anikeeva – Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

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MEAM Seminar: “Modeling the Unique Behaviors of Liquid Crystal Elastomers”

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ASSET Seminar: “Towards Improving the Reliability of AI: Perspectives from Uncertainty Quantification and Fairness”

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ESE Seminar – “A changing grid powered by the new generations of power conversion, control, and energy management”


BE Seminar – “The Neurobiology of Mistakes”

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LRSM Seminar: “Expanding Our Vision of Glasses: Physical Vapor Deposition Prepares Ultrastable and Anisotropic Materials”

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MEAM Seminar: “Robots that Evolve on Demand”

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ASSET Seminar: “Efficient Sharing of AI Infrastructures with Specialized Serverless Computing”

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MSE Seminar: “Tuning Nanostructured Materials for Combustion Applications” (Kerri-lee A. Chintersingh, Ph.D., New Jersey Institute of Technology)


Herman P. Schwan Distinguished Lecture: “Engineering Proteins, Genomes, Viruses & Organs” (George Church, Harvard & MIT)

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