Calendar of Events

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MEAM Seminar: “Solid Interfaces in Electrochemical Devices”


MSE Seminar: “Chemical Bonds in Topological Materials” (Princeton University)

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ASSET Seminar: Statistical and Machine Learning for Electronic Health Records: Challenges and Opportunities, Qi Long (University of Pennsylvania)


Spring 2023 GRASP SFI: Edward Hu, University of Pennsylvania, “Focusing on Task-Relevant Information in RL for Robots”


CBE Seminar Series: “Decisions through Oscillation: Learning from Endothelial Cells” (Andre Levchenko, Yale University)

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MEAM Seminar: “Control of Jump Stochastic Systems by Learning Recurrent Spatiotemporal Patterns”


MSE Seminar: “Fundamental Understanding of Mechanical Properties and Deformation Mechanisms of Emerging Complex Alloys Serving under Extreme Conditions” (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)


CNT/PHT Seminar: “The Future of Brain Interfacing” (Philip Sabes, Neuralink, UCSF)

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Spring 2023 GRASP on Robotics: Jeannette Bohg, Stanford University, “Scaling Robot Learning for Long-Horizon Manipulation Tasks with Language, Logic and Youtube”

MEAM Seminar: “Strategies for Approaching One Hundred Percent Dense Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes”

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MEAM Seminar: “Bioinspired Microrobotic Systems for Interfacing with Cells and Tissues”


MSE Seminar: “Textile Materials for Soft Wearable Robotics” (Stanford University)

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ASSET Seminar: Computational Social Listening for Public Health (Sharath Guntuku, University of Pennsylvania)


CBE Seminar Series: “Electrification and Decarbonization of Chemical Synthesis” (Karthish Manthiram, California Institute of Technology)

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MSE Seminar: “Interacting Opto-Moiré Quantum Matter” (University of Washington)

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Spring 2023 GRASP on Robotics: Emilio Frazzoli, ETH Zürich, “A self-contained karma economy for socially efficient and equitable autonomy”

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BE Seminar: “Vein-to-Vein Microfluidic Engineering for Cell Therapies” (Abe Lee, UC Irvine)

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MEAM Seminar: “Additive Manufacturing: Future of Healthcare”


MSE Seminar: “VdW Heterostructures: A New Route to Designing Quantum Material” (Princeton University)

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Future Leaders in Mechanobiology: Avilash Singh Yadav (Cornell)


ASSET Seminar: Automated Decision Making for Safety Critical Applications, Mykel Kochenderfer (Stanford University)


Spring 2023 GRASP SFI: Michael Chang, University of California, Berkeley, “Neural Software Abstractions: Learning Abstractions for Automatically Modeling and Manipulating Systems”

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Spring 2023 GRASP on Robotics: John Suh, Hyundai New Horizons Studio, “Ultimate mobility vehicles or what happens when you combine robotics and car design”

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MEAM Seminar: “Multiscale Mechano-Medicine: from Mechanobiology to Tissue-Interfacing Stimulating Medical Devices”


MSE Seminar: “Engineering 2D Quantum Materials with Atomic Precision” (University of California – Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)


Reflections by 50 Years of Women CIS Faculty

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ASSET Seminar: , Dinesh Jayaraman (University of Pennsylvania)


Spring 2023 GRASP SFI: Ram Vasudevan, University of Michigan, “Can’t Touch This: Real-Time, Provably Safe Motion Planning and Control for High Dimensional Autonomous Systems”

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MSE Seminar: “Natural Structural Materials: Lessons on Toughening Mechanisms, Weight Reduction, and Multifunctionality” (Virginia Tech University)


BE Seminar: “Engineering therapeutic immunity using (nano)biomaterials” (Natalie Artzi, Harvard Medical School)

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Spring 2023 GRASP on Robotics: Pulkit Agrawal, MIT, “Fun with Robots and Machine Learning”


Spring 2023 GRASP Seminar: Larry Matthies, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, “Autonomous mobility in Mars exploration: recent achievements and future prospects”

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