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PICS Colloquium: “A model for external aerodynamics based on building-block flows”

Abstract: A wall model for large-eddy simulation is proposed by devising the flow as a collection of building blocks, whose information enables the prediction of the stress as the wall.  […]

PICS Colloquium: “How reproducible is your research?”

Abstract: Each year vast international resources are wasted on irreproducible research. The scientific community has been slow to adopt standard software engineering practices, despite the increases in high-dimensional data, complexities of […]

PICS Student Seminar: “Keshav Patil and Yansong Gao”

Yansong Gao Title: “A Free-Energy Principle for Representation Learning” Keshav Patil Title: “Altered protein dynamics delineates the oncogenic potential of various kinase mutations” On Wednesday, October 6 at 12:00, PICS […]

PICS Colloquium: “Protein dynamics and energy landscape engineering”

Abstract: Experiments only reveal a few of a protein’s structures with the atomic detail required to rationally engineer mutations and drugs. However, a protein actually has a vast landscape of […]

MEAM Seminar: “Deep Learning and Uncertainty Quantification: Methodologies and Applications”

Uncertainty is ubiquitous in physical and engineering science because of the lack of knowledge, inaccuracy in measurements, objective stochastic nature. “You cannot be certain about uncertainty”. Uncertainty quantification plays an […]

PICS Colloquium: “From atoms to emergent mechanisms with information bottleneck and diffusion probabilistic models”

Abstract: The ability to rapidly learn from high-dimensional data to make reliable predictions about the future is crucial in many contexts. This could be a fly avoiding predators, or the […]

PICS Colloquium: “Kinetic theory for superparameterization of sea ice dynamics”

Arctic sea ice comprises of many ice floes whose dynamics is driven by oceanic/atmospheric currents and floe-floe interaction. Models of the effective sea ice dynamics  at large scales typically employ hydrodynamic equations of […]

CBE PhD Dissertation Defense | Understanding and Predicting the Chemical Properties of Complex Oxides using First-principles Methods

Abstract:  Transition metal oxides are at the forefront of several applications in catalysis, energy conversion and storage, and are bound to play a pivotal role in our transition to a […]

CBE PhD Dissertation Defense | Designing MXene Catalysts for Clean Energy Chemistries using High-Throughput First-Principles Calculations and Data-Driven Methods

Abstract:  The field of heterogeneous catalysis has been prompted to shift toward designing catalysts that can perform beneficial chemistries at ambient conditions. Such materials should have high activity and stability […]

CBE PhD Dissertation Defense | Understanding the Dynamic and Mechanical Properties of Polymer under Nanoconfiements

Abstract:  The dynamic properties of glassy polymers are well-known to change up confinement to the nanoscale. Confinement to free-standing thin films leads to an enhancement in the segmental dynamics, and […]

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