ESE PhD Thesis Defense: “A Dynamical Systems Perspective on Optimization Algorithms”
The intersection of machine learning (ML) and dynamical systems and control (S&C) has become a prominent area of research in recent years. While most work applies ML to S&C problems, […]
ESE PhD Thesis Defense: “Software-like Incremental Refinement on FPGA using Partial Reconfiguration”
To improve FPGA design productivity, our goal is to create a development experience for FPGAs that aligns closely with widely accepted software design principles. Software programmers quickly test their minimally completed […]
ESE Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Learning-based Model Predictive Control for Aerial Vehicles”
Learning-based model predictive control (MPC) is an increasingly prominent control paradigm in recent years. One primary approach in learning-based MPC is to leverage machine or deep learning tools to construct […]
ESE PhD Seminar – “Prehistory of Continual Learning and All Else That We Forget”
I would probably “forget” what I will say in the abstract, and you would, too. Translation: deep neural networks can “forget”, meaning they might perform poorly on previously learned tasks […]
MSE Seminar: “Luminescent Photonic Metamaterials and Devices From THz to Optical Frequencies”
A crucial yet unavailable component in high-performance photonic integrated circuits (ICs) and other chip-scale photonic systems is an on-chip light source that is efficient, functional, IC-compatible, and electronically addressable. In […]
ESE Guest Seminar – “Coherent Control of Electromagnetic Waves via Tunable Chaotic Cavities”
The theory of Coherent Perfect Absorption1 (time-reversed lasing) and Reflectionless Scattering Modes2 has shown that there always exist discrete solutions to scattering of electromagnetic waves in multiple-scattering geometries that achieve […]
ESE PhD Seminar: “Learning Local Control Barrier Functions for Safety-Critical Hybrid Systems”
Safety-critical control is one of the fundamental problems in autonomous systems. A special class of autonomous systems is the class of hybrid dynamical systems, which involves both continuous dynamic flow […]
IDEAS Seminar: “Equivariant Neural Inertial Odometry”
Abstract: In this talk, we introduce a new class of problems related to integrating inertial measurements obtained from an IMU that play a significant role in navigation combined with visual […]
ESE 2024 Jack Keil Wolf Lecture – “Army of Ants: The Power of Working in Concert”
Synchronized operation of a large number of similar entities can generate behavior that cannot be expected from single one. This principle combined with the physical concept of coherence in waves […]
ESE Guest Seminar – “Safe Offline RL for Constrained Markov Decision Process: Theory and Practice”
Many constrained sequential decision-making processes such as safe AV navigation, wireless network control, caching, cloud computing, etc., can be cast as Constrained Markov Decision Processes (CMDP). Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms […]