CIS Seminar: “Verifiable Machine Learning for Security”
This talk will also be onzoom
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554 Passcode: 488035
CIS Seminar: “Optimizing CPU Efficiency and Tail Latency in Datacenters”
This talk will also be on zoom
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554 Passcode: 488035
CIS Seminar: “Statistical Machine learning for genetics and health: multi-modality, interpretability, mechanism”
This talk will be on zoom only
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554 Passcode: 488035
CIS Seminar: “Towards Scalable Representation Learning for Visual Recognition”
This talk will be on Zoom as well
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554 Passcode: 488035
CIS Seminar: “Unleashing the Potential of In-Network Computing”
This talk will also be onzoom
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554 Passcode: 488035
CIS Seminar: “Neural Representation and Rendering of 3D Real-world Scenes”
This talk will also be on zoom :
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554 Passcode: 488035
CIS Seminar:”Privacy and Scalability for Decentralized Cryptographic Systems”
This talk will be on zoom as well:
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554
Passcode: 488035
CIS Seminar: “Theoretical Foundations of Pre-trained Models”
This talk will be on zoom as well:
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554
Passcode: 488035
CIS Seminar: “On the Foundations of the Next-Generation Quantum Software System”
This talk will be on zoom as well:
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554
Passcode: 488035
CIS Seminar: “Learning to Generate Data by Estimating Gradients of the Data Distribution”
This talk will be on Zoom only:
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554
Passcode: 488035