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CBE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “A Multifaceted Approach to CO2 Emissions Reductions and Removals” (Maxwell Pisciotta)

Abstract: The scientific consensus is that climate change is not only actively occurring, but that it is irrevocably due to human activities associated with greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions […]

MEAM Seminar: “Surfactants, Colloids, and Electrolytes: Engineering Transport Phenomena for Energy and the Environment”

Fluid flows and mass transport mediate countless natural and engineered processes, ranging from the spreading of pollutants to carbon capture and water cleaning. In this talk, I will share three […]

CBE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “A Fractal Landscape Dynamics Approach to Understanding Particle Motion in Soft Jammed Materials” (Clary Rodríguez-Cruz)

Abstract: Soft jammed materials are disordered viscoelastic solids, composed of densely packed particles, that are commonly found both in the natural world and in a wide range of manufactured products. […]

PICS Colloquium: “Modeling Lone Pair Dynamics in Materials”

Materials properties are governed by the structure and dynamics of the bonds between their constituent atoms. In addition to covalent, metallic, and ionic interactions that we typically think about, lone […]

Rigorous and Glamorous in 100 Words or Less: An Abstract Workshop

It’s hard to write an abstract. It’s harder to write a glamorous one that tells your story without overselling your results. Community for Rigor is here to help! Join Professor Konrad […]

2024 Celebration of Diversity

The Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is hosting another Celebration of Diversity gala. The gathering is intended to showcase students, staff, and faculty from Penn Engineering in their cultural […]

CBE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Synthesis of Enzyme-Powered Motors using Microfluidics” (Jessica O’Callaghan)

Abstract: This thesis addresses the fundamental questions surrounding the design and functional capabilities of enzyme-powered micromotors synthesized using microfluidic techniques. The research focuses on the development of these motors, made […]

Research Impact Seminar – Bring Your Research Out of the Lab (Penn Engineering Entrepreneurship)

Learn how to commercialize your research and navigate Penn’s innovation ecosystem with Penn Engineering: Entrepreneurship. This is the first part of a series from Penn Engineering’s Entrepreneurship group. Featuring: Andrew […]

CBE Seminar: “Carbon Capture and Utilization in Flowing Oceanwater: A New Frontier in Photocatalysis” (Shu Hu, Yale)

Abstract: Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) are critical for managing anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Great strides have been made in electrification so far, but there are a handful […]

CBE Seminar: “Chemical Synthesis Enabled by Information” (Tim Cernak, University of Michigan)

Abstract Advancing the synthesis of small molecules is critical to the advent of new medicines, materials, and agrochemicals. Our lab has been exploring strategies in chemical synthesis — both in […]

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