MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Coarse-graining of Atomistic Models to the Continuum Scale with Applications to Elastodynamics and Diffusive Processes”

Room 337, Towne Building 220 South 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Nonequilibrium phenomena are ubiquitous in nature as well as industrial applications. However, their modeling and simulation faces a strong compromise between physical fidelity and computational efficiency, with atomistic simulations and continuum descriptions lying towards the two ends of this spectrum. In this dissertation we will first revisit several continuum modeling strategies for the formulation of […]

ESE Seminar: “Caching and Coding in Networks: Rate Efficiency, Age Efficiency”

Room 401B, 3401 Walnut 3401 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Caching is of primary importance in the Internet-of-Things (IoT) and in particular in information-centric network (ICN) architectures where the focal point is content rather than where it can be retrieved from. As a result, in ICN networks one can replicate and store (or cache) content at various nodes throughout the network so that it can […]

Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Method of MRI-Based Assessment of Cortical Bone Matrix and Mineral Properties in a Clinical Setting”

Founders Building 3400 Spruce Street

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Drs. Hee Kwon Song & Felix Wehrli are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Xia Zhao. This event is open to the public.   Large conference room, 1st floor Founders Building, MRI Education Center, Department of Radiology, 3400 Spruce Street

NSF CAREER Awards Workshop

Wu and Chen Auditorium (Room 101), Levine Hall 3330 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

MEAM Seminar: “Hierarchical Task-Parameterized Learning from Demonstration “

Moore 216 200 S. 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Many modern humanoid robots are designed to operate in human environments, like homes and hospitals. Such robots could help humans accomplish tasks and lower their physical and/or mental workload. However, robot users in homes and hospitals typically are not familiar with robotics or programming, therefore it is difficult for them to adapt robots to their […]

MEAM Seminar: “Machine Learning for Robotics: Achieving Safety, Performance and Reliability by Combining Models and Data in a Closed-Loop System Architecture”

Moore 216 200 S. 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

The ultimate promise of robotics is to design devices that can physically interact with the world. To date, robots have been primarily deployed in highly structured and predictable environments. However, we envision the next generation of robots (ranging from self-driving and -flying vehicles to robot assistants) to operate in unpredictable and generally unknown environments alongside […]

MEAM Seminar: “Thermalization of Bulk Magnetic Materials in Spin-Lattice Dynamics Simulations”

Moore 216 200 S. 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Spin-lattice dynamics (SLD), an increasingly popular simulation method which simultaneously computes both atomic displacements and spins, offer new possibilities for modeling the temporal evolution of systems where the coupling between these atomic features are relevant such as spin caloritronics, heat assisted magnetic recording, magnetocaloric responses and magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia. To accurately model and understand these […]