MEAM Seminar: “Dynamic Response of Resonant Metamaterials and Other Composites”

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Composite materials under dynamic loading exhibit interesting emergent phenomena. Most notably are phononic crystals and metamaterials which can possess frequency dependent and negative elastic moduli and density. In general, the constitutive response is non-local in space and time and depends on both the strain and velocity. Additionally, scattering and local resonance effects can lead to […]

ODEI Spotlight: Pride on Ice

Pride on Ice Wednesday, June 23rd | 4:30-6:00 pm Penn Ice Rink (3130 Walnut St) Be part of Penn on Ice, an interactive experience, and join us for free skating (or skate watching), great music, and loads of LGBTQ+ pride! Come in pride finery or as you are, as we will have some fun swag […]

Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Machine Learning for Robot Motion Planning”

Robot motion planning is a field that encompasses many different problems and algorithms. From the traditional piano mover's problem to more complicated kinodynamic planning problems, motion planning requires a broad breadth of human expertise and time to design well functioning algorithms. A traditional motion planning pipeline consists of modeling a system and then designing a […]

PSOC Webinar: Kevin Tharp & Keshav Patil

Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 993 3491 5941 Passcode: 189247 PSOC@Penn Summer Webinars 2021 Contact with any questions Kevin Tharp 12:00-12:30 PM Keshav Patil 12:30-1:00 PM

MEAM Seminar: “Towards Manipulation of Large Objects by Robotic Edge Rolling with Quori, an Affordable Socially Interactive Humanoid Robot”

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Hardware platforms for socially interactive robotics can be limited by cost or lack of functionality. In this talk I will present the overall system—design, hardware, and software—for Quori, a novel, affordable, socially interactive humanoid robot platform for facilitating non-contact human-robot interaction(HRI) research. The design of the system is motivated by feedback sampled from the HRI […]

ODEI Spotlight: LGBTQ+ Pride Trivia Night

LGBTQ+ Pride Trivia Night Wednesday, June 30th | 8pm ET Register here: What was the first campus LGBTQ+ center in Pennsylvania? Yes, Penn! Join us from wherever you are for a fun night of interactive LGBTQ+ trivia with the LGBT Center and PennGALA to end pride month with a bang!  Alum, graduate and undergraduate students, […]

Doctoral Dissertation: “Development of Robot-based Cognitive and Motor Assessment Tools for Stroke and HIV Neurorehabilitation” (Kevin Bui)

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Michelle Johnson are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Kevin Bui. Zoom link: Meeting ID: 964 3650 0457 Passcode: 571655

MEAM Seminar: “Nanocellulose Fibers as Reinforcement to Improve Strength and Toughness in Structural Materials”

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Cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) are a naturally abundant polymer and have superior mechanical properties, high aspect ratios, are transparent and biodegradable, which make them attractive to be used in structural materials. As a reinforcing phase, CNFs have the potential to improve the mechanical properties of polymer materials. While there are active research efforts aimed at incorporating […]

ESE PhD Dissertation Defense: “Balancing Fit and Complexity in Learned Representations”

Thesis Title: Balancing Fit and Complexity in Learned Representations Abstract: This dissertation is about learning representations of functions while restricting complexity. In machine learning, maximizing the fit and minimizing the complexity are two conflicting objectives. Common approaches to this problem involve solving a regularized empirical minimization problem, with a complexity measure regularizer and a regularizing […]

MEAM MSE Thesis Defense: “Design and Characterization of an Origami-Inspired Robot that Swims via Jet Propulsion”

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Underwater swimmers present unique opportunities for using bodily reconfiguration for self-propulsion. Origami-inspired designs are low-cost, fast to fabricate, robust, and can be used to create compliant mechanisms useful in energy-efficient underwater locomotion. This thesis demonstrates an origami-inspired robot that can change its body shape to ingest and expel water, creating a jet that propels it […]