ESE Spring Seminar – “End-to-end Learning for Robust Decision Making”

Heilmeier Hall (Room 100), Towne Building 220 South 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Because the physical world is complex, ambiguous, and unpredictable, autonomous agents must be engineered to exhibit a human-level degree of flexibility and generality — far beyond what we are capable […]

PICS Colloquium: “Transforming Healthcare from the Outside: the OBSERVER project”

PICS Conference Room 534 - A Wing , 5th Floor 3401 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

We live with a health care system that has evolved into an increasingly fragmented, primarily treatment-oriented, and now heavily burdened environment.  More importantly, issues related to privacy, space, and disease […]

ESE Fall Colloquium – “Steampunk Data Science”

Raisler Lounge (Room 225), Towne Building 220 South 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

How did scientists make sense of data before statistics and computing? This talk will explore this question by focusing on the discovery of vitamins, which occurred in the early 20th […]