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PICS Colloquium: “Transforming Healthcare from the Outside: the OBSERVER project”

We live with a health care system that has evolved into an increasingly fragmented, primarily treatment-oriented, and now heavily burdened environment.  More importantly, issues related to privacy, space, and disease […]

PICS Colloquium: “Mechanics of Polymeric Gels”

This talk discusses recent and ongoing research on the multiphysics response of polymeric gels. A polymeric gel is a polymeric material swollen by a fluid, and the intake or out-flow […]

PICS Colloquium: “Computational Image Analysis For Individualized Surgical Treatment Planning of Bicuspid Aortic Valves”

Abstract: The bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is a congenital heart defect in which the aortic valve has two cusps rather than three. Moderate to severe aortic regurgitation is the most […]

MEAM Seminar: “Uncovering the Rules of Crumpling with a Data-Driven Approach”

When a sheet of paper is crumpled, it spontaneously develops a network of creases. Despite the apparent disorder of this process, statistical properties of crumpled sheets exhibit striking reproducibility. Recent […]

PICS Colloquium: “Preserving microscale features in continuum models of fiber network materials”

Fiber networks at different length scales represent a prevalent microstructure of highly deformable materials and biological matter. At the microscale, these fiber networks are key for the function of biological […]

PICS Colloquium: “Taking a layman’s perspective to turbulence modeling”

Abstract: Turbulence is an unsolved problem in classical physics. Its modeling often involves physical, mathematical, and numerical concepts that are daunting to even experienced engineers. This makes it very hard […]

MEAM Seminar: “Continuum Mechanics of Non-equilibrium Phenomena: A Journey Through Space and Time Scales”

The fascinating diversity of material behavior at the macroscopic scale, including plasticity, phase transformations, viscoelasticity or diffusion, can only emerge from the underlying atomistic or particle behavior. Yet, the direct […]

PICS Colloquium “Driving physics of inverted flag flapping”

Abstract: Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) is ubiquitous in the natural and engineered world, and a better understanding of FSI systems can aid in the design of renewable energy harvesting technologies, bio-inspired propulsion […]

CBE Graduate Student Symposium (GSS)

PICS Colloquium: “Computational and Experimental Modeling of Membrane Distillation”

Abstract: Computational fluid dynamics simulations and experiments were conducted to study the performance of distillation membrane process for water treatment and desalination applications. Polarizations and fouling/scaling in a direct contact […]

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