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PICS Colloquium: “Micro-organism Locomotion in Viscoelastic Fluids”

Many microorganisms and cells function in complex (non-Newtonian) fluids, which are mixtures of different materials that exhibit both viscous and elastic stresses. For example, mammalian sperm swim through cervical mucus […]

PICS Colloquium: “Modeling Assembly of Colloids with Charges and with Mobile Binders”

In this talk, I will present our recent efforts in probing the physical processes underlying self-assembly of colloidal gels and crystals. Nano-meter to micron sized particles in suspension can be […]

MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “A Study of Hydrogel Mechanics with Application on the Fracture of Human Blood Clots”

Loading of biological and synthetic hydrogels involves large deformations, and there exists a large literature devoted to their experimental characterization. Analytical investigations have recognized the importance of contributions originating from […]

PICS Colloquium: “The Virtual Pregnancy: Using Computational Models to Probe Human Reproduction”

  Preterm birth affects approximately ten percent of pregnancies and rates of maternal mortality in the US are rising. Computational investigations of pregnancy have great potential to explore fundamental aspects […]

MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Data-Driven Model Discovery for Non-Equilibrium Phenomena: Unraveling Continuum Behavior from Stochastic Dynamics”

Non-equilibrium phenomena are ubiquitous across material systems and of great technological relevance. Examples of such phenomena include diffusion processes in liquid and gases, viscoelasticity and plasticity in solids, and rheological […]

MEAM Seminar: “Wall-modeled LES of 3-D Turbulent Boundary Layer with Emphasis on Grid Independency”

The capability to predict high-Reynolds-number turbulent flows is essential for many natural and engineering flows such as external aerodynamics (wind turbines, aircraft wings), hydrodynamics (the hull of marine vehicles) and […]

PICS Colloquium: “Bridging scales in aerosol modeling with particle-resolved simulations”

The aerosol lifecycle consists of processes that act on the micro-scale, yet the aerosols’ climate impacts are perceived on regional or global scales. Capturing this multiscale nature of the atmospheric […]

MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Towards Digital Twins for Cardiovascular Flows: A Hybrid Machine Learning and Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach”

To design personalized treatment strategies, a number of measurable quantities (biomarkers) that relate a patient’s clinical representation to the existence, progress, and outcome of a disease need to be identified […]

MEAM Seminar: “Wall-modeled Large-eddy Simulation of the Turbulent Boundary Layer with Mean-flow Three-dimensionality”

The capability to predict high-Reynolds-number turbulent flows is essential for many natural and engineering flows such as external aerodynamics of wind turbines and aircraft wings, flow over the hull of […]

PICS Colloquium: “Deep Anomaly Detection using Coincident Learning”

Anomaly detection is a crucial task in the operation of complex systems such as industrial facilities, manufacturing plants, and large-scale science experiments. Failures in a sub-system can result in low […]

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