Nano Seminar: “Conductive Nitrides for Plasmonics in the Visible Region: Properties and Applications”
Plasmonic nanostructure based on silver and gold that produces LSPR to withstand ultrahigh temperatures without damage remains a great challenge for future ultra-compact integrated circuits, and high-power enabled photonic devices. […]
CT3N Seminar: “Design of Targeted Antimicrobials” (Christopher A. Alabi)
This hybrid seminar is hosted by the Center for Targeted Therapeutics and Translational Nanomedicine (CT3N) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 936 3505 7985 Passcode: 06222022 One […]
Singh Center for Nanotechnology 2021 Annual User Meeting
Sigma Aldrich Lecture: “Epitaxy by Design: Epitaxial Growth of Dissimilar Materials”
Abstract: The ability to integrate dissimilar materials with different crystal structures and properties enables heterostructures to be developed with new functionality well beyond the normal band gap engineering offered by […]
MEAM Seminar: “Nanoparticle Heating for Therapeutics, Regenerative Medicine and Diagnostics”
Gold and iron oxide nanoparticles have unique and tunable properties that allow transduction of optical (light), or radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields to affect heating of biomaterials at multiple scales. This […]