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BE Seminar: “Engineering the cell-matrix interface – understanding and guiding cell function” (Claudia Loebel, University of Michigan)

The native extracellular microenvironment dynamically remodels as cells synthesize, assemble, and remodel their surroundings during tissue development, injury, and repair. In my research group, we use engineered systems to both […]

Penn American Red Cross Blood Drive

There is currently a critical need for blood donors, and members of the Penn Engineering community are invited to participate in a school-wide blood drive. To join in this effort, […]

PSOC@Penn Seminar: Sadjad Arzash & Ping Zhou

MSE PhD Defense: Autonomous Stimuli-Responsive Metamaterials Based on Liquid Crystal Elastomers

Numerous responsive materials have been developed in recent decades and applied toward engineering challenges ranging from medicine to robotics. For example, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), hydrogels, shape memory polymers (SMPs), liquid crystal […]

MSE PhD Defense: Effects of Size and Composition on the Performance of Dealloyed Nanoporous Metal Catalysts for CO2 Reduction, O2 Evolution, and H2 Generation

MSE PhD Thesis Defense: Self-Healing and Shape Memory Metal Electrodes in Magnesium-and Lithium-Ion Batteries

Department of Bioengineering Juneteenth Address: “A White Neighbor, a Black Surgeon, and a Mormon Computer Scientist Walk into a Bar…” (Kevin B. Johnson)

“A White Neighbor, a Black Surgeon, and a Mormon Computer Scientist Walk into a Bar…” As we recognize Juneteenth, a holiday that brings awareness to what journalist Corey Mitchell calls […]

Penn Engineering Portrait Celebration in Honor of Ms. Cora Ingrum and Ms. Donna Hampton

Dean Vijay Kumar invites members of the Penn Engineering community to attend the unveiling of commissioned portraits of: Ms. Cora Ingrum by Patricia Watwood and Ms. Donna Hampton by Ashon […]

Penn Engineering 2023 Commencement Open House

Immediately following the University Ceremony, Penn Engineering will host an Open House for the School’s returning graduates and their families throughout the first floors of the main Engineering complex. Included […]

2023 Franklin Medal Symposium Honoring Nader Engheta: “Sculpting Waves with Complex Structures” (Villanova Livestream)

*This is an event hosted by Villanova University. To gain access to the livestream, you must register to attend.* Featuring presentations by a select group of world-class experts, this symposium […]

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