MSE Seminar: “Exploring Photonic Materials with Symmetry and Topology”
Symmetry and topology are fundamental notions existing in all kinds of natural systems, from spiral galaxies and hurricanes to amino acids in molecules and non-trivial topologically protected electronic states in […]
MSE Seminar: “How Do You Make a Micro-Robot?”
MSE Seminar: “Why Industrial Research Is Critical: A Brief History in the 20th and 21st Centuries”
MSE Seminar: “Managing Intercultural Interactions in a Challenging Global Higher Education Landscape”
The rapidly diversifying face of colleges and universities in the United States including the University of Pennsylvania require that we are able to manage intercultural relationships from different backgrounds. We […]
MSE Seminar: “Science and Applications of Topological Photonics across the Electromagnetic Spectrum”
The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Kosterlitz, Thouless, and Haldane for their pioneering theoretical work on the novel and counter-intuitive phases of matter that are now referred […]
MSE Special Seminar: “What They Don’t Teach You in School that You Need to Succeed in Life”
MSE Seminar: “Scalable Multifunctional Nanoarchitectures for Energy Storage”
MEAM Seminar: “Micro/Nanomanufacturing of 3D Functional Coatings via Self-Limiting Electrospray Deposition”
Recent developments in nanostructured materials have demonstrated myriad desirable properties ranging from optical and mechanical metamaterials to biomanipulative surfaces. To bring these properties from the lab to the commercial space […]
MSE Seminar: “A Polymer Brush Approach to Controlling Biological Binding to Surfaces”
Polymer brushes are a common feature in many biological surfaces. The ability to rapidly transform a substrate from a hard, structural material to a soft, hydrogel structure over the course […]
MSE Seminar: “Topology and Quantum Matter: From Axions to Spintronics”
The confluence of fundamental symmetries and spin-orbit coupling is known to produce emergent electronic states in crystalline solids that are accurately described using the language of topology. This talk provides […]