PICS Colloquium “Driving physics of inverted flag flapping”
Abstract: Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) is ubiquitous in the natural and engineered world, and a better understanding of FSI systems can aid in the design of renewable energy harvesting technologies, bio-inspired propulsion […]
MEAM Seminar: “‘Tiny-but-tough’ GaN- and Graphene-based Nanoelectronics for Extreme Harsh Environments”
Gallium nitride (GaN) nanoelectronics have operated at temperatures as high as 1000°C making it a viable platform for robust space-grade (“tiny-but-tough”) electronics and nano-satellites. Even with these major technological breakthroughs, […]
MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Flying Modular Robots: From Self-Assembling Structures in Midair to Embedding Grasping Capabilities”
Flying modular robots offer a suitable autonomous platform for multiple applications such as: search and rescue, cargo lifting, and object transportation. In addition, modular robots in a swarm can use […]
MEAM Seminar: “Predictive Simulations of High-rise Building Peak Wind Pressure Loads”
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can inform sustainable design of buildings and cities in terms of optimizing pedestrian wind comfort, air quality, thermal comfort, energy efficiency, and resiliency to extreme wind […]
MEAM Seminar: “Designing Robotic Systems with Collective Embodied Intelligence”
Natural swarms exhibit sophisticated colony-level behaviors with remarkable scalability and error tolerance. Their evolutionary success stems from more than just intelligent individuals, it hinges on their morphology, their physical interactions, […]
Singh Center for Nanotechnology 2021 Annual User Meeting
Tedori-Callinan Lecture: “Resist Fatigue by De-concentrating Stress”
Most materials suffer from a disease: fatigue. Symptoms include degradation of properties and growth of cracks under cyclic stretch. These materials are unfit for applications involving prolonged and cyclic loads. […]
MEAM PhD Thesis Defense: “Dynamic Behavior of Periodic Media and Elastic Metamaterials”
Periodic media and resonant, acoustic/elastic metamaterials possess extraordinary frequency band gaps where no waves may propagate. In this dissertation, we leverage numerical simulations to gain insight into practical ways to […]
MEAM PhD Thesis Defense: “A Differential Homogenization Framework for Precipitation-Strengthened Metals”
Composite materials, such as metal- and polymer-matrix composites, exhibit both elastic and dissipative effects when subjected to macroscopic loadings. Even when the phases of the composite are characterized by a […]
MEAM PhD Thesis Defense: “Analytical Homogenization Estimates for the Effective Properties and Field Statistics of Viscoplastic Composites and Particle Suspensions”
Heterogeneous materials are commonly found in nature (e.g. soil, rock, blood) and engineering applications (e.g. paints, lubricants, sintered materials). Understanding the microstructure-properties relations is crucial to predicting how these materials […]