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ESE Seminar: “Connecting Bits to the Physical World”

Analog, RF and power integrated circuits are the key connectors between the physical world and the digital or cyber world. In this talk I will give my perspective on broader […]

ESE & GRASP Seminar: “Efficient Computing for AI and Robotics”

Computing near the sensor is preferred over the cloud due to privacy and/or latency concerns for a wide range of applications including robotics/drones, self-driving cars, smart Internet of Things, and […]

ESE Seminar: “Control of Light and Heat for New Energy Applications”

Light carries energy and heat, and plays a key role in many energy-conversion processes. The capabilities to tailor electromagnetic energy transfer at the nanoscale represent important opportunities for novel energy […]

The Joy of Being Faculty: How to Apply for a Faculty Position

This professional development workshop is designed to provide Penn Engineering graduate students and postdocs with a richer understanding of what it is like to pursue a career in academia from […]

ESE Seminar: “Safety and Robustness Guarantees with Learning in the Loop”

In this talk, we present recent progress towards developing learning-based control strategies for the design of safe and robust autonomous systems. Our approach is to recognize that machine learning algorithms […]

ESE Seminar: “Confluence of Electromagnetics, Circuits and Systems Enables The Third Wireless Revolution”

Integrated circuits have fueled several revolutions that have deeply impacted modern society, including the computing revolution, the internet and the first two wireless revolutions. We are at the dawn of […]

ESE Seminar: “Ultra-Low-Power Neural Interfaces: from Monitoring to Diagnosis and Therapy”

Implantable and wearable medical devices are increasingly being developed as alternative therapies for intractable diseases. In particular, undertreated neurological disorders such as epilepsy, migraine, and Alzheimer’s disease are of major […]

ESE Seminar: “Software, Architecture, and VLSI Co-Design for Efficient Task-Based Parallel Runtimes”

Fast-paced changes across the computing stack are creating opportunities for innovation by bridging software, architecture, and VLSI. Cross-cutting research is challenging, but it can expose key insights that would otherwise […]

ESE Seminar: “Towards Robotic Manipulation – Understanding the World Through Contact”

Why is robotic manipulation so hard? As humans, we are unrivaled in our ability to dexterously manipulate objects and exhibit complex skills seemingly effortlessly. Recent research in cognitive science suggests […]

ESE Seminar: “Towards Socially-Aware Autonomy for Mobility-Efficient Smart Cities”

As cities grow everywhere, and urban roadways become overburdened, efficient strategies are required for improving mobility. With the prevalence of smart sensing and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, such as […]

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