MEAM Master’s Thesis Defense: “Modeling Off-Grid Photovoltaics Integrated with Micro-Cogeneration and Electrical Energy Storage”

Room 2C6, David Rittenhouse Laboratory Building 209 S. 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Due to the elevated expenditure of fossil fuels and their adverse impacts on climate change resulting from greenhouse gas emissions, it is imperative to integrate clean energy sources alongside fossil fuels. This study presents the design, simulation, and optimization of an integrated system comprising solar photovoltaics, micro-cogeneration, and electrical energy storage to achieve energy self-sufficiency […]

MEAM Seminar: “Collective Transitions in Beating Cilia and Swimming Fish”

Wu and Chen Auditorium (Room 101), Levine Hall 3330 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

I will discuss the collective modes that spontaneously emerge in ciliary carpets and fish schools. In both systems, the fluid medium couples the motion of individuals in the group. Flow coupling is dominated by viscous forces in cilia and by inertial interactions in fish. I will show, numerically and analytically in the continuum limit, that […]

MEAM Seminar: “The Mechanics of Animal Collective Behavior: From Insect Swarms to Fish Schools”

David Rittenhouse Laboratory Building, Room A5 209 S. 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

An incredible diversity of organisms, from bacteria and social insects to bird flocks and fish schools, self-organize to achieve collective tasks. They have inspired the development of decentralized algorithms and robotic swarms. While numerous models have been proposed to understand the self-organization of animal groups, the role of mechanics was rarely considered. In this talk, […]

MEAM Seminar: “Computational FSI Modeling of the Cardiovascular System”

Moore 212

Computational modeling and simulation has become a routine part of cardiovascular clinical research. These techniques leverage medical imaging to construct patient-specific models that can be used to study disease processes, design and evaluate medical devices, perform predictive surgery, and aid in clinical decision-making. Modern cardiovascular simulations often require millions of elements and tens of thousands […]

Celebrating Penn Engineers: Past, Present and Future

Wu and Chen Auditorium (Room 101), Levine Hall 3330 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Penn Engineering invites all alumni, family and friends to join us for the dedication of two new hallway installations that honor the past while inspiring the future. Join Dean Kumar to reconnect with classmates and hear remarks from notable alumni. Breakfast will be provided at 9:00am, program begins at 9:45 a.m. Click to see the […]

Penn Engineering 2024 Commencement Open House

On Monday, May 20, 2024, from 12:15-2:15 p.m., Penn Engineering will host an Open House for the School’s returning graduates and their families throughout the first floors of the main Engineering complex, immediately following the University Ceremony. Included are photo booth opportunities, a t-shirt giveaway (including a live t-shirt press!), and light refreshments. Please join […]

MEAM Seminar: “Dynamically Tunable Adhesion and Friction via Active Materials with Thermally Modulated Stiffness”

Room 337, Towne Building 220 South 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Contact interactions, including adhesion and friction, are critical to the design of many engineered systems. Currently, most systems rely on materials with static mechanical properties, requiring careful selection of materials to realize effective systems for specialized tasks. However, with advances in smart materials, system design is no longer limited to materials with static properties. There […]

MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Bistable Structures Enable Passive Transitions in Mobile Robots”

Towne 319 220 S. 33rd Street, Philadelphia, United States

Making robots more capable, agile, and efficient requires careful design of the robot’s mechanical body to match task requirements. Passive components allow a robot to perform a task without a dedicated actuator, often improving both power consumption and overall performance. In this thesis, we investigate robotic applications of bistable mechanisms, mechanical structures that exhibit two […]

MEAM Seminar: “Controlling Contact Transitions for Dynamic Robots”

Room 337, Towne Building 220 South 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Legged robots, robotic manipulators, and their combined embodiment as humanoid robots have received considerable attention across both academia and industry. However, with few notable exceptions, state-of-the-art demonstrations are significantly less dynamic than their biological counterparts. A considerable challenge for performing more dynamic tasks for both legged robots and robotics manipulators lies within controlling contact interactions […]

MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling of the Cardiovascular System”

Towne 319 220 S. 33rd Street, Philadelphia, United States

Patient-specific computational modeling and simulation has become a routine part of cardiovascular clinical research. These techniques leverage medical imaging to construct subject-specific models that can be used to study disease processes, design and evaluate medical devices, perform predictive surgery, and aid in clinical decision-making. Modern cardiovascular simulations often require millions of elements and tens of […]