ESE & CIS Spring Seminar – “Towards Transparent Representation Learning”

Raisler Lounge (Room 225), Towne Building 220 South 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Machine learning models trained on vast amounts of data have achieved remarkable success across various applications. However, they also pose new challenges and risks for deployment in real-world high-stakes domains. Decisions made by deep learning models are often difficult to interpret, and the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Given that deep learning models operate as […]

CIS Seminar: “Decision Making with Internet-Scale Knowledge”

Wu and Chen Auditorium (Room 101), Levine Hall 3330 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Machine learning models pretrained on internet data have acquired broad knowledge about the world but struggle to solve complex tasks that require extended reasoning and planning. Sequential decision making, on the other hand, has empowered AlphaGo’s superhuman performance, but lacks visual, language, and physical knowledge about the world. In this talk, I will present my […]

ASSET Seminar: “Large Language Models in Medicine: Opportunities and Challenges” (Mark Dredze, Johns Hopkins University)

Raisler Lounge (Room 225), Towne Building 220 South 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

ABSTRACT: The rapid advance of AI driven by Large Language Models (LLMs), like ChatGPT, has led to impressive results across a range of different use cases. This has included several models developed for the medical domain which have exhibited surprising behaviors, such as answering medical questions and performing well on medical licensing exams. These results have demonstrated the coming transformation of medicine by […]

CIS Seminar: ” Secure systems from insecure components”

Wu and Chen Auditorium (Room 101), Levine Hall 3330 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

In many computer systems today, an attacker that breaks one system component can steal data from millions of users. In this talk, I will present three systems that can withstand component compromise. I will describe (1) a single sign-on system that protects user security and privacy from a compromised single sign-on server, (2) a secure-hardware-based […]

Research Impact Seminar – Bring Your Research Out of the Lab (Penn Engineering Entrepreneurship)

Towne 327

Learn how to commercialize your research and navigate Penn's innovation ecosystem with Penn Engineering: Entrepreneurship. This is the first part of a series from Penn Engineering’s Entrepreneurship group. Featuring: Andrew Tsourkas, Professor of Bioengineering, Co-Founder, AlphaThera, Inc, Co-Founder, StreamLaunch, Llc and Jeffrey Babin, Professor of Practice and Associate Director of Entrepreneurship at Penn Engineering & […]

CIS Seminar: “Modern Clouds: Side-Channel Attacks and Defenses”

Wu and Chen Auditorium (Room 101), Levine Hall 3330 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Cloud computing, which has seen significant growth over the past decade, fundamentally relies on the sharing of hardware resources among users. This approach enhances resource utilization and reduces operational costs. However, it also enables unintended information leakage through hardware side channels. Despite the threat of side-channel attacks, cloud vendors remain skeptical about the practicality of […]

ASSET Seminar: “Making Machine Learning Predictably Reliable” (Andrew Ilyas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Raisler Lounge (Room 225), Towne Building 220 South 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

ABSTRACT:  Despite ML models' impressive performance, training and deploying them is currently a somewhat messy endeavor. But does it have to be? In this talk, I overview my work on making ML “predictably reliable”---enabling developers to know when their models will work, when they will fail, and why. To begin, we use a case study […]

Energy Week Lecture – “Towards Sustainable Artificial Intelligence and Datacenters”

Towne 337

As the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to proliferate, computer architects must assess and mitigate its environmental impact. This talk will survey strategies for reducing the carbon footprint of AI computation and datacenter infrastructure, drawing on data and experiences from industrial, hyperscale systems. First, we analyze the embodied and operational carbon implications of super-linear […]

CIS Seminar: “Frameworks for Efficient Algorithms for Learning: Robustness and Data Compression”

Wu and Chen Auditorium (Room 101), Levine Hall 3330 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Though modern machine learning has been highly successful, as we move towards more critical applications, many challenges towards building trustworthy systems, such as ensuring robustness, privacy, and fairness, arise. Ad hoc and empirical approaches have often led to unintended consequences for these objectives, thus necessitating a principled approach. Traditional solutions often require redesigning entire pipelines […]

CIS Seminar: Generalizing Outside the Training Distribution through Compositional Generation”

Wu and Chen Auditorium (Room 101), Levine Hall 3330 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Generative AI has led to stunning successes in recent years but is fundamentally limited by the amount of data available.  This is especially limiting in the embodied setting – where an agent must solve new tasks in new environments. In this talk, I’ll introduce the idea of compositional generative modeling, which enables generalization beyond the […]