Structural design optimization has long played a crucial role in engineering, often with the goal of creating stiff and lightweight structures for aerospace and other applications. However, optimizing structures against failure is also crucial and has been much less well explored. Failure via fracture and at interfaces is particularly challenging in design optimization as they […]
Emerging 3D memory technologies, such as the Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC) and High Bandwidth Memory (HBM), provide high bandwidth and massive memory-level parallelism. With the growing heterogeneity and complexity of computer systems (CPU cores and accelerators, etc.), efficiently integrating emerging memories into existing systems poses new challenges to both algorithm, hardware and system. This dissertation […]
Accurate prediction of high-Reynolds-number turbulent flows is essential for the understanding and flow control of many engineering applications such as aircraft, turbomachinery, and marine vehicles. Additionally, most practical flows exhibit nonequilibrium effects such as pressure gradients and flow separation. However, the direct numerical simulation (DNS) of high-Reynolds-number wall-bounded turbulent flows is not feasible owing to […]
The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania along with Drs. Dave Issadore and Mike Mitchell proudly announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Sarah Shepherd. Title: Microfluidics for throughput scalable formulation of mRNA lipid nanoparticle technology Date: August 10, 2023 Time: 3:00 PM Location: Wu & Chen Auditorium, Levine Hall Zoom option: Meeting ID: […]
This is a hybrid event with in-person attendance in Wu and Chen and virtual attendance on Zoom. ABSTRACT In many applications of autonomy in robotics, guarantees that constraints are satisfied throughout the learning process are paramount. We present a controller synthesis technique based on the computation of reachable sets, using optimal control and game […]
Free-flying robotic systems (such as multibody aerial and space vehicles) evolve on high-dimensional non-Euclidean manifolds subject to nonlinear, underactuated dynamics. Because such systems can rely only on the severely limited computational resources available onboard, the design of general-purpose controllers capable of dynamic and reliable real-time performance remains a formidable challenge. To mitigate these obstacles and […]
Task and path planning algorithms for robots in the presence of flows confront a fundamental dichotomy between the continuous and the discrete: task planning algorithms discretize the world and their goals, whereas flows are continuous in nature. This contrast is exemplified in many robotic applications where environmental forces impact navigation and exploiting those flows is […]
University of Pennsylvania will be hosting the NCI Junior Investigator Meeting this year. The meeting includes several talks throughout the day and poster sessions (5:15 pm Thursday & 4:00pm Friday) NCI Junior Investigator Meeting August 17-18, 2023 Wu & Chen Auditorium, Levine Hall University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Please see the website for details:
Plasmonic nanostructure based on silver and gold that produces LSPR to withstand ultrahigh temperatures without damage remains a great challenge for future ultra-compact integrated circuits, and high-power enabled photonic devices. In principle, the shapes of plasmonic nanostructures containing noble metals would change after the heat treatment that altered the plasmonic resonance. Thus, discovering refractory plasmonic […]
Communication is fundamental to successful coordination in teams of robots. Indeed, the promise that robot teams can complete tasks faster and more efficiently than any single agent depends on their ability to share information and effectively coordinate their actions. Today, teams of mobile robots are increasingly being deployed to tackle challenging tasks in environments without […]
Studying certain regions of the atmosphere is hindered by available propulsion technologies. For example, the mesosphere, ranging from about 50 to 80 km in altitude, has air too thin for aerodynamic and buoyant flight but air too dense for satellites and orbital flight due to drag. The Martian atmosphere is another region where no flight […]
The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Lou Soslowsky are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Ashley Fung. Title: The Role of Collagen XII in Establishing Tendon Cell Organization, Hierarchical Structure, and Mechanical Function During Tendon Development Advisor: Dr. Lou Soslowsky Date: Tuesday, August 22 Time: 2pm Location: CRB Austrian […]
Advances in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) have enabled the widespread development of sensors for a variety of consumer, automotive, and wearable healthcare electronics applications. However, there is increasing interest in the development of highly accurate MEMS inertial sensors for a variety of emerging applications, for e.g., navigation systems for pedestrians and autonomous vehicles, and seismic and […]
The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Felix Wehrli are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Rajiv Deshpande. Title: “MRI-based Quantification of Renal Oxygen Utilization” Date: August 28, 2023 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Donner-Grice Auditorium, HUP (2nd Floor) The public is welcome to attend.
Fuelled in particular by current medical challenges in Traumatic Brain Injury, the field of brain mechanics has progressed tremendously in the last decade. Simulations that required months in development and runtime can now be created from patient specific medical images, meshed and run in a fraction of that time. However, and paradoxically, not only do […]