Calendar of Events

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MEAM Seminar: “Mechanics- Informed Optimization for Enhanced Adhesion and Toughness”

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ESE PhD Thesis Defense: “Software/Hardware Co-optimization for Computer Systems with 3D-stacking Memories”

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MEAM Seminar: “Wall-modeled Large-eddy Simulation of Non-Equilibrium Turbulent Boundary Layers”

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BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Microfluidics for throughput scalable formulation of mRNA lipid nanoparticle technology” (Sarah Shepherd)

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Summer 2023 GRASP Seminar: Claire Tomlin, University of California at Berkeley, “Safe Learning in Control”

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MEAM Seminar: “Hierarchical Methods for Geometric Control of Underactuated, Free-Flying Robotic Systems”

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MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Exploiting Flows for Orienteering and Planning Problems”

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NCI Junior Investigator Meeting

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Nano Seminar: “Conductive Nitrides for Plasmonics in the Visible Region: Properties and Applications”

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MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Mobile Wireless Infrastructure on Demand in Robot Teams”

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MEAM Seminar: “Photophoretic Levitating Structures Enabling Mesospheric and Martian Exploration”


BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “The Role of Collagen XII in Establishing Tendon Cell Organization, Hierarchical Structure, and Mechanical Function During Tendon Development” (Ashley Fung)

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MEAM Seminar: “Vibrating Beam MEMS Accelerometers for Gravity and Seismic Measurements”

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BE Doctoral Dissertation: “MRI-based Quantification of Renal Oxygen Utilization” (Rajiv Deshpande)

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MEAM Seminar: “The Multiphysics Stochastic Brain”

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