CBE PhD Dissertation Defense | A Scalable, Point-of-Care Microfluidic Approach for Assessing Thrombosis and Hemostasis

Zoom - Email CBE for link

Abstract:  Coagulation testing is an important diagnostic tool for the detection of excessive bleeding risk or obstructive clot formation (thrombosis), using blood samples from patients. Microfluidic flow devices have been well established to provide insights on the impacts of shear rate, drug action, and disease state on coagulation and platelet biology. The bulk of the […]

BE Doctoral Dissertation: “Development of Nanoparticle-based Contrast Agents for Applications with Conventional and Photon-counting CT Imaging”


The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. David Cormode are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Johoon Kim.     Title: Development of nanoparticle-based contrast agents for applications with conventional and photon-counting CT imaging Date/time: April 19, 2021 Time: 1:30pm You are invited to attend via zoom: Zoom link: https://upenn.zoom.us/j/94279939416

MEAM Seminar: “Micromechanics of Near-ideal Polymer Networks”

Zoom - Email MEAM for Link peterlit@seas.upenn.edu

Understanding the relationships between the structure of polymer networks and their mechanical properties remains a long-standing challenge in polymer physics. In recent years, a new paradigm for network formation has emerged, whereby near-ideal hydrogels are produced by the cross-coupling of branched macromolecules with well-defined chain length. Such near-ideal networks constitute an excellent model system to […]

BE Dissertation: “Large Scale Integration of Microengineered Tissue Models for High-content, High-throughput analysis of Complex Human Physiological Systems”


The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Dan Huh are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Andrei Georgescu. Title: Large scale integration of microengineered tissue models for high-content, high-throughput analysis of complex human physiological systems. Date: Tuesday April 20, 2021 Time: 2:00pm You are invited to attend via zoom: Zoom […]

ESE Thesis Defense: “Scalable Learning in Distributed Robot Teams”

Zoom - Email kate.tolstaya@gmail.com for link

Mobile robots are already in use for mapping, agriculture, entertainment, and the delivery of goods and people. As robotic systems continue to become more affordable, large numbers of mobile robots may be deployed concurrently to accomplish tasks faster and more efficiently. Practical deployments of very large teams will require scalable algorithms to enable the distributed […]

BE Doctoral Dissertation: “Image Processing Techniques for Dual-Energy Contrast-Enhanced X-Ray Breast Imaging” (Kristen Lau)


The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Andrew Maidment are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Kristen Lau. Title: "Image Processing Techniques for Dual-Energy Contrast-Enhanced X-Ray Breast Imaging." Date:  April 21, 2021 Time: 1:00pm You are invited to attend via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://upenn.zoom.us/j/97899385849?pwd=NnFsQVBLUGtCcnVieUNjUUFORXIrdz09 Meeting ID: 978 9938 5849 […]

CIS Seminar: “Learning with Label Noise: A Progressive Approach”


The Machine Learning Research team at Morgan Stanley invites Penn students pursuing any degree type or major to participate in an interactive research talk by Dr. Yikai Zhang. The event will include a brief introduction to ML Research at Morgan Stanley by the Head of the Machine Learning Center of Excellence, Dr. Yuriy Nevmyvaka. ABSTRACT: Label noise is ubiquitous […]

ESE Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Cryptographic Foundations for Control and Optimization”

Zoom - email aandreea@seas.upenn.edu for link

Abstract: Advances in communication technologies and computational power have determined a technological shift in the data paradigm. The resulting architecture requires sensors to send local data to the cloud for global processing such as estimation, control, decision and learning, leading to both performance improvement and privacy concerns. This thesis explores the emerging field of private […]

MSE Seminar: “Atomic-scale Insights into Electrocatalyst Structure and Function”

The development of efficient renewable energy conversion and storage devices is one of the most important challenges of the 21st century. Fuel cell catalysis, CO2 reduction, etc. are interesting reactions that can transform our energy economy; however, many of these reactions are sluggish from unfavorable reaction kinetics and poor product selectivity. These renewable energy technologies […]

BE Seminar: “Promoting Appendage/Limb Regeneration in Jellyfish, Drosophila, and Mouse” (Lea Goentoro)


This seminar will be held virtually on Zoom - check email for link or contact ksas@seas.upenn.edu. Can limb regeneration be induced? In this talk, I will discuss our work to promote regeneration in animals with limited regeneration capacity. I will present our recent discovery of a strategy for inducing regenerative response in appendages, which works […]