Department of Bioengineering 2022 Juneteenth Address: “Perspectives on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Through a Rehabilitation, Medicine and Robotics Research Lens” (Dr. Michelle Johnson)

Room 337, Towne Building 220 South 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Join the Department of Bioengineering for a Juneteenth Address delivered by Dr. Michelle Johnson, Associate Professor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and in Bioengineering and Director of the Rehabilitation Robotics Lab. The address will be followed by a Q&A. This hybrid event will be held live on campus and on Zoom and is open to […]

MEAM Seminar: “Mobile Wireless Infrastructure on Demand in Robot Teams”

Towne 313 220 S. 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

The promise of multi-robot systems is that they can complete tasks quicker and more efficiently than a single robot. However, such performance gains are only realized if robots can communicate with each other and coordinate their actions. As on-board autonomy advances, robots are increasingly being deployed in environments without existing wireless infrastructure and must rely […]

CT3N Seminar: “Design of Targeted Antimicrobials” (Christopher A. Alabi)

Smilow 10th Floor, Room 146AB

This hybrid seminar is hosted by the Center for Targeted Therapeutics and Translational Nanomedicine (CT3N) Join Zoom Meeting   Meeting ID: 936 3505 7985 Passcode: 06222022     One tap mobile +13017158592,,93635057985# US (Washington DC) +13126266799,,93635057985# US (Chicago)   Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 […]

ESE Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Machine Learning on Large-Scale Graphs”

Room 452 C, 3401 Walnut 3401 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Graph neural networks (GNNs) are successful at learning representations from most types of network data but suffer from limitations in large graphs, which do not have the Euclidean structure that time and image signals have in the limit. Yet, large graphs can often be identified as being similar to each other in the sense that […]

MEAM Seminar: “Mixing with Activity: Transport of Swimming Microorganisms in Complex Flows”

Towne 313 220 S. 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

How will swimming microorganisms affect the mixing of a diffusive contaminant in chaotic flows? Answers to this question can lead to improved understanding of the spread of pollutants (e.g. algal blooms) in oceans and lakes, as well as potentially useful applications in biofuel and vaccine productions. In this talk, I present recent experiments on the […]