GRASP On Robotics: “Perspectives on Machine Learning for Adaptive Robotic Systems”

Abstract: Recent advances in machine learning are leading to new tools for designing intelligent robots: functions relied on to govern a robot’s behavior can be learned from a robot’s interaction with its environment rather than hand-designed by an engineer. Many machine learning methods assume little prior knowledge and are extremely flexible, they can model almost […]

PICS: ” Houdini Presentation”

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Cinematic scientific visualization makes three dimensional scientific phenomena approachable for mass audiences by using the artistic language of film including elements like camera choreography, lighting design, comprehensive scenic environments, and more. Cinematic scientific visualizations are an engaging way for domain experts to communicate niche information with the public, to refute widely held misconceptions, and to […]

MEAM Seminar: “Design, Fabrication, and Control of Biologically Inspired Soft Robots”

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Robotics has the potential to address many of today’s pressing problems in fields ranging from healthcare to manufacturing to disaster relief. However, the traditional approaches used on the factory floor do not perform well in unstructured environments. The key to solving many of these challenges is to explore new, non-traditional designs. Fortunately, nature surrounds us […]

Neuroengineering Seminar: “Advancing Deep Brain Stimulation Therapy in Movement Disorders: from surgical implantation to behavior-based responsive therapeutic stimulation” (Enrico Opri)

Sponsored by the Center for Neuroengineering and Therapeutics, and the Departments of Neurosurgery and Bioengineering. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 974 8373 4781 Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has become standard therapy for medically refractory patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), essential tremor (ET), and other neurological disorders. The two main challenges for DBS standard-of-care are […]

CBE Seminar: “Robots That Eat, Breathe and Bleed”

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Abstract Modern robots lack the multifunctional, interconnected chemical systems found in living organisms and, consequently, exhibit reduced efficiency and autonomy. At the same time, new advancements in chemistry are enabling synthetic materials with capabilities that surpass biological materials. This talk will discuss how advances in electrochemistry and soft materials can transform the way we build […]

BE Seminar: “Understanding Spatiotemporal Cell Reprogramming for Precision Medicine” (Xiling Shen)

This seminar will be held virtually on zoom (check email for link or contact Bodily cells undergo transformations in space and time during development, disease progression, and therapeutic treatment. A holistic approach that combines engineering tools, patient-derived models, and analytical methods is needed to map cellular reprogramming and expose new therapeutic opportunities. The talk […]

MEAM Seminar: “Micromechanics of Near-ideal Polymer Networks”

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Understanding the relationships between the structure of polymer networks and their mechanical properties remains a long-standing challenge in polymer physics. In recent years, a new paradigm for network formation has emerged, whereby near-ideal hydrogels are produced by the cross-coupling of branched macromolecules with well-defined chain length. Such near-ideal networks constitute an excellent model system to […]

CIS Seminar: “Learning with Label Noise: A Progressive Approach”


The Machine Learning Research team at Morgan Stanley invites Penn students pursuing any degree type or major to participate in an interactive research talk by Dr. Yikai Zhang. The event will include a brief introduction to ML Research at Morgan Stanley by the Head of the Machine Learning Center of Excellence, Dr. Yuriy Nevmyvaka. ABSTRACT: Label noise is ubiquitous […]