BE Dissertation: “Large Scale Integration of Microengineered Tissue Models for High-content, High-throughput analysis of Complex Human Physiological Systems”

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Dan Huh are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Andrei Georgescu. Title: Large scale integration of microengineered tissue models for high-content, high-throughput analysis of complex human physiological systems. Date: Tuesday April 20, 2021 Time: 2:00pm You are invited to attend via zoom: Zoom […]

ESE Thesis Defense: “Scalable Learning in Distributed Robot Teams”

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Mobile robots are already in use for mapping, agriculture, entertainment, and the delivery of goods and people. As robotic systems continue to become more affordable, large numbers of mobile robots may be deployed concurrently to accomplish tasks faster and more efficiently. Practical deployments of very large teams will require scalable algorithms to enable the distributed […]

BE Doctoral Dissertation: “Image Processing Techniques for Dual-Energy Contrast-Enhanced X-Ray Breast Imaging” (Kristen Lau)

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Andrew Maidment are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Kristen Lau. Title: "Image Processing Techniques for Dual-Energy Contrast-Enhanced X-Ray Breast Imaging." Date:  April 21, 2021 Time: 1:00pm You are invited to attend via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 978 9938 5849 […]

ESE Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Cryptographic Foundations for Control and Optimization”

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Abstract: Advances in communication technologies and computational power have determined a technological shift in the data paradigm. The resulting architecture requires sensors to send local data to the cloud for global processing such as estimation, control, decision and learning, leading to both performance improvement and privacy concerns. This thesis explores the emerging field of private […]

CBE PhD Dissertation Defense | Hydrodeoxygenation of Biomass-Derived Model Compounds Over Bifunctional Catalysts

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Abstract:  The negative social and environmental impacts from burning of fossil fuels motivated the development of renewable and sustainable sources for the production of electricity such as wind and solar. Lignocellulosic biomass has emerged as a promising feedstock for carbon-based fuels and chemicals and much research effort has recently been directed at developing efficient catalytic […]

MEAM Thesis Defense: “Inkjet Printed Neuromorphic Inference Circuits with Memristor-Based Neuron Network”

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The deployment of machine learning inference algorithms on Internet of Things (IoT) devices remains challenging. Despite the low fabrication cost, flexibility, and low power consumption of the printed electronics for IoT applications, there are not many demonstrations of printed electronics solving neural network tasks, mainly due to the poor electrical performance, low device yield, and […]

CBE PhD Dissertation Defense | Understanding the Dynamic and Mechanical Properties of Polymer under Nanoconfiements

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Abstract:  The dynamic properties of glassy polymers are well-known to change up confinement to the nanoscale. Confinement to free-standing thin films leads to an enhancement in the segmental dynamics, and changes in the chain conformation lead to changes in the entanglement density in confined polymers. In this study, we investigate the role of both segmental […]

CBE PhD Dissertation Defense | Designing MXene Catalysts for Clean Energy Chemistries using High-Throughput First-Principles Calculations and Data-Driven Methods

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Abstract:  The field of heterogeneous catalysis has been prompted to shift toward designing catalysts that can perform beneficial chemistries at ambient conditions. Such materials should have high activity and stability and avoid issues prevalent in other traditional catalysts that are not earth-abundant, chemically efficient, or with high selectivity to carry out these reactions. In this […]

BE Doctoral Dissertation: “Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to Improve Scientific Processes”

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Konrad Kording are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Titipat Achakulvisut. Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to improve scientific processes Scientific information has been growing exponentially over the past decades. Arguably, traditional processes of doing science cannot keep up with […]

CBE PhD Dissertation Defense | Understanding and Predicting the Chemical Properties of Complex Oxides using First-principles Methods

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Abstract:  Transition metal oxides are at the forefront of several applications in catalysis, energy conversion and storage, and are bound to play a pivotal role in our transition to a sustainable energy future. However, vast differences in the electronic structure among different transition metal oxides make them highly complex materials to understand and predict chemical […]