Calendar of Events

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BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Physiologically Induced High Gaussian Curvature Drives Nuclear Lamina Rupture and Cytoskeletal Displacement—Contributing to Downstream Dysfunction” (Michael Tobin)


BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Reversing Engineering the Anesthetic State: Insights from Behavior and CNS Circuit Cracking” (Andrzej Wasilczuk)

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BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Mapping variable host gene expression states to viral infection” (Sam Reffsin)

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MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “No Watts Wasted: Spines and Tails for Agile Legged Locomotion”

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ESE PhD Thesis Defense: “Learning, Privacy, and Reliable Communication in Large Data Networks”

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MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Mechanics-Informed Optimization for Enhanced Adhesion and Toughness”

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CBE Doctoral Dissertation: “A Multiscale Computational Framework for Simulating Thrombus Growth Under Flow” (Kaushik Shankar)

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BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “A robotic system for automated genetics of Caenorhabditis elegans” (John Zihao Li)

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CBE Doctoral Dissertation: “Understanding and Controlling Polymer-Porous Solid Interactions for Catalytic Recycling of Polymers” (Tian Ren)

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