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CBE Seminar: “Engineering Technologies for Enhanced Modeling, Detection, and Treatment of Neurological Disease” (Alice Stanton, MIT)

Abstract: Neurological conditions are the leading cause of illness worldwide, though over 92% of clinically tested CNS drug candidates fail to become treatments. Contributing to this high failure rate is […]

CBE Seminar: “Unlocking New Therapeutic Strategies by Reconstructing Cell Signaling Networks from the Ground Up” (Mohamad Abedi, University of Washington, Seattle)

Abstract: Immunotherapies have achieved remarkable success in treating hematological cancers, yet the solid tumor microenvironment remains a significant barrier to therapeutic breakthroughs. Machine learning (ML)-driven computational protein design offers a […]

BE Seminar – “The Neurobiology of Mistakes” (Becket Ebitz, Université de Montréal)

Humans and other animals do not always choose the most rewarding course of action, even when we have ample time and computational resources. Why do we make mistakes? The noiseLab uses a combination of theoretical, behavioral, and neurobiological techniques to address this question. In this talk, Dr. Becket Ebitz will discuss converging evidence that mistakes are the product of representational and temporal nonlinearities in neural activity that constrain our ability to make good decisions. The talk will argue that some of these nonlinearities have long-term adaptive benefits, even when they fail to produce the best decision in the moment.

CBE Seminar: “Computational Design and Simulations of Soft Matter: From Molecular Insights to Functional Materials” (Antonia Statt, UIUC)

Abstract: I will present the phase separation behavior of different sequences of a coarse-grained model for sequence defined macromolecules. They exhibit a surprisingly rich phase behavior, and not only conventional […]

JOHN A. QUINN DISTINGUISHED LECTURE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING: “Sticky Nanoparticles: Electrostatic Assembly of Targeted Delivery Agents” (Paula Hammond, MIT)

Abstract: Electrostatic assembly can be used to engineer coatings that yield release of different drugs, DNA or protein, resulting in highly tunable multi -agent delivery nanolayered release systems for tissue […]

CBE Seminar: “From Molecules to Supply Chains: Transforming Data to Decisions using Geometry, Optimization, and Machine Learning” (Victor Zavala, University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Abstract: We discuss how geometry, optimization, and machine learning are key technologies that are revolutionizing the way we think about data and the way we transform data into actionable models […]

CBE Seminar: “Value-added Transformations in Electrocatalysis and Graduate Education” (Maureen Tang, Drexel University)

Abstract: Electrifying the chemical industry has been much touted as a path to a low-carbon future, but nearly all pathways of interest are electrochemical reductions. If we want water-to-hydrogen, CO2-to-chemicals, […]

CBE Seminar: “Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology for a Sustainable Future” (Hal Alper, UT Austin)

Abstract: Recent technical advances are leading to a rapid transformation of the chemical palette available in cells, thus making it conceivable to produce nearly any organic molecule of interest—from biofuels […]

CBE Seminar: “Multifunctionality of MXenes for Sensor Technologies” (Lia Stanciu, Purdue University)

Abstract: MXenes, a versatile family of 2D materials, have garnered interest for applications in sensing technologies due to their unique combination of conductivity, hydrophilicity, and surface tunability. This talk explores […]

CBE Seminar: “Prioritization of Research, Development, and Deployment Pathways for a Circular Bioeconomy” (Jeremy Guest, UIUC)

Abstract: Societies have prospered using a linear “take-make-use-dispose” approach, extracting natural resources to make products, using them, and ultimately discarding them or their residues. This unsustainable approach has exploited natural […]

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