BE Seminar – “Probing nuclear structure and function with novel genomic tools” (Sofia Quinodoz, Princeton University)
BE Seminar – “Probing nuclear structure and function with novel genomic tools” (Sofia Quinodoz, Princeton University)
Abstract: In every human cell, 6 ft of DNA and thousands of RNAs and proteins are compacted to fit inside a tiny nucleus. Yet, these molecules are not randomly arranged […]
CBE & VIEST Joint Seminar: “Lignin Conversion to Performance-advantaged Fuels, Chemicals, and Polymers” (Gregg Beckham, NREL)
Abstract: Terrestrial plants harbor renewable carbon resources in their cell walls that can directly contribute to decarbonization of the transportation and materials sectors, but the heterogeneous, aromatic lignin polymer found […]
CBE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “A molecular understanding of the structure-property relationships of model end-linked polymer networks” (Han Zhang)
Abstract: Polymer networks, including thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers and gels, are among the most versatile and widely utilized polymeric materials, with applications spanning drug delivery systems, membranes and implantable devices. A […]
BE Seminar – “Scaffold-Modulated Healing in Irradiated Bone” (Katie Hixon, Dartmouth Engineering)
Bone is the third most common site for cancer metastasis, affecting ~66% of patients with common cancers—breast, lung, prostate, renal, thyroid—incurring skeletal events in up to 400,000 people in the […]
BE Seminar – “Engineered bacteria for cancer therapy” (Tal Danino, Columbia University)
Synthetic biology is driving a new era of medicine through the genetic programming of living cells. One particular focus has been the engineering of bacteria as therapeutic delivery systems for […]
BE Seminar – “Engineering cell state-specific gene regulation with AI and synthetic biology” (Sebastián Castillo Hair, University of Washington)
Cells across tissues, developmental stages, and disease conditions adopt distinct intracellular states – epigenomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic profiles – to compartmentalize function in time and space. The ability to write […]
CBE & BE Seminar: “Targeting the Brain and Behavior to Probe the Dynamics of Aging” (Claire Bedbrook, Stanford University)
Bio & Abstract: Claire Bedbrook is an engineer and neuroscientist working to extend lifespan by modulating the brain. Claire was trained in chemical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. […]
CBE Seminar: “Genetically Encodable Designer Biomaterials” (Shunzhi Wang, University of Washington)
Abstract: Nature harnesses genetic sequences to encode structural information and emergent physical and chemical transformations required by life processes. Such orchestration is achieved through hierarchical self-assemblies driven by weak molecular […]
CBE Seminar: “Toward Efficient and Synthesizable In-silico Molecular Design” (Wenhao Gao, MIT)
Abstract: The discovery of functional molecules plays a fundamental role in advancing chemical science and engineering, yet it remains a costly and time-intensive process. Recent advances in computational methods, particularly […]