ASSET/IBI Symposium on Trustworthy AI for Health Care
Organizers: Rajeev Alur (Penn Engineering), John Holmes (PSOM), Insup Lee (Penn Engineering), Qi Long (PSOM), Marylyn Richie (PSOM) Event Description: Artificial intelligence and machine learning promise to revolutionize nearly every field, […]
PSOC Seminar: “Validation of a bicistronic CAR to overcome intratumoral heterogeneity in GBM” (Zev Binder, PSOM)
Fall 2022 Hybrid-Seminar Series Mondays 1.00-2.00 pm (EST) Towne 225 / Raisler Lounge For Zoom link, please contact <
MEAM Seminar: “Robot-assisted Imaging of Neuromuscular Function: New Insights on the Neural Substrates of Motor Control”
Can we use robots to help humans learn a new motor skill, or to improve performance of a motor task? What are the neural substrates that support motor learning under […]
CBE Joint Seminar: “Harnessing Biochemistry and Engineering to Visualize Metabolism”
ABSTRACT Oncogenic transformation has been shown to have a dramatic impact on the metabolic state of the cell. Recent reports have demonstrated that specific alterations in oncogenes and signaling pathways […]