BE Seminar: “Neural Engineering and the Primate Brain: Working at the Electrical and Optical Interface” (Bijan Pesaran)
This seminar will be held live and broadcast on zoom – link coming soon. Neural engineering is enjoying an era of transformative growth. Classical methods that dominated the neurosciences for […]
Neuroengineering Seminar: “Advancing Deep Brain Stimulation Therapy in Movement Disorders: from surgical implantation to behavior-based responsive therapeutic stimulation” (Enrico Opri)
Sponsored by the Center for Neuroengineering and Therapeutics, and the Departments of Neurosurgery and Bioengineering. Join Zoom Meeting https://pennmedicine.zoom.us/j/97483734781 Meeting ID: 974 8373 4781 Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has become […]