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MSE Seminar: “Textile Materials for Soft Wearable Robotics” (Stanford University)

Wearable robots and devices—garments with embedded elements that actuate to change shape or apply forces to the wearer, typically based on signals from integrated sensors—offer promise for assistive and augmentative […]

MSE Seminar: “Fundamental Understanding of Mechanical Properties and Deformation Mechanisms of Emerging Complex Alloys Serving under Extreme Conditions” (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

The development of stronger and tougher materials serving under extreme conditions is a long-term goal of materials research that has been made even more urgent recently by our quests for […]

MSE Seminar: “Chemical Bonds in Topological Materials” (Princeton University)

Topological materials are solid-state compounds that have atypical charge carriers, often acting analogously to particles in high-energy physics. They are significant for both fundamental and applied science, with potential uses […]

MSE Seminar: “Design of Stable Nanocrystalline Alloys: Thermodynamics, Computation, and Data Science” (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Over the last three decades, nanocrystalline alloys (polycrystals with grain sizes of less than 100 nm) have been shown to exhibit superior material properties, such as enhanced specific strength, hardness, […]

MSE Seminar: “Bio-inspired Design, Mechanics, and Manufacturing of Architected Cementitious Materials”

Dr. Moini’s research is focused on bio-inspired design and development of architected materials using novel additive manufacturing processes and automated robotic technologies for applications in civil and energy infrastructure. His […]

MSE David P. Pope Distinguished Lecture: “Intelligentsia of Nano-Architected Hierarchical Materials”

  Creation of reconfigurable and multi-functional materials can be achieved by incorporating architecture into material design. In our research, we design and fabricate three-dimensional (3D) nano-architected materials that can exhibit […]

MSE Seminar: “Metamaterials: From Invisibility Cloak to Future Extended Reality Displays”

The invisibility cloak in Harry Potter and the dreams of invisibility as a superpower are no longer fiction. With the invention of metamaterials, they are theoretically and experimentally possible in […]

POSTPONED – MSE Seminar: “Additive Manufacturing of Intermetallic: A Designer’s Approach”

Modern materials contain extraordinary levels of complexity, with components spanning a hierarchy of length scales. Designing materials with complex microstructures and demonstrating unique behaviors would be difficult solely using a […]

PSOC Seminar: “Leveraging dynamic biomaterials platforms to elucidate mechanisms of mechanical memory in disease and aging” (Christopher Madl, Penn)

Spring 2023 Hybrid-Seminar Series Mondays 1.00-2.00 pm (EST) Towne 225 / Raisler Lounge “For Zoom link, please contact <>”

Joseph Bordogna Forum: Dr. Gary May, Chancellor of UC-Davis

Please save the date to join us for this annual distinguished lecture.  The Joseph Bordogna Forum will foster conversation and debate regarding important issues at the nexus of technology and […]

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