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MSE PhD Defense: “Highly Controlled Transition Metal and Transition Metal Oxide Nanocrystals for Enhanced Catalytic and Magnetic Properties” Daniel Rosen

This work presents the precise synthesis, characterization, and property analysis of transition metal and transition metal oxide nanocrystals (NCs). Specifically, the interface between catalytic and magnetic properties is explored using […]

MSE Seminar: “Advanced Analytical Characterization of Next Generation Energy Storage Systems” – Nik Singh – Toyota Research Institute of North America

Advances in hybrid and electric vehicle technologies combined with a demand for green initiatives have recently motivated necessary diversification in energy storage research. To achieve customer expectations for hybrid and […]

LSRM Presents The Robert Maddin Lecture in Materials Science: “Active & Adaptive Matter Driving Cell Dynamics”

Control of shape and movement is essential for cell physiology, from cell migration to control of tissue shape. The mechanical behaviors of living cells are controlled by materials constructed by […]

MSE Seminar: “Materials, Mechanics, and Performance of Flexible Polymeric Actuators in Robotics” (Sameh Tawfick – University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

My group is developing a roadmap for soft actuating materials to replace bulky electric motors in miniature robots requiring large mechanical work output. First, I will describe the materials microstructure and […]

MSE Seminar: “Turbo-charging Silicon: Do we have the materials and devices?” (Deep Jariwala) University of Pennsylvania

Silicon has been the dominant material for electronic computing for decades and very likely will stay dominant for the foreseeable future. However, it is well-known that Moore’s law that propelled […]

MEAM Seminar: “Viscoelastic Biopolymer Networks Model Fibrotic Niches”

Fibrosis and remodeling of extracellular matrix are involved in many diseases, such as tumors, wound healing, and chronic inflammation. During fibrosis, tissues undergo changes in their viscoelastic properties, i.e., how […]

MSE Seminar: “Bioinspired Polymers for Tissue Repair and Regeneration” (Phillip B. Messersmith University of California – Berkeley)

It is of great interest for materials scientists to study wet biological adhesives as inspiration for synthetic adhesives that can perform well in wet conditions. A compelling example is given […]

MSE Seminar: Working Safely in the Lab: Navigating Common Laboratory Hazards in MSE Research

EHRS Sr. Lab Safety Specialist Gwenn Allen will discuss how to work safely in the lab while navigating the changing landscape of materials science and engineering research.  Her talk will […]

Nano Seminar: “Conductive Nitrides for Plasmonics in the Visible Region: Properties and Applications”

Plasmonic nanostructure based on silver and gold that produces LSPR to withstand ultrahigh temperatures without damage remains a great challenge for future ultra-compact integrated circuits, and high-power enabled photonic devices. […]

MSE Seminar: “Nonlinear and Topological Quantum Photonics” University of Central Florida

In this talk we will discuss how to engineer the dispersion relation of photonic platforms to provide robust propagation of classical and quantum states of light. In the first part […]

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