MEAM Seminar: “Predicting and Reducing High-Speed Jet Noise”
The intense noise radiated by supersonic jets leads to sound-induced structural vibration, fatigue and personnel-related operational difficulties. Experimental, theoretical, and computational investigations into the physics and control of jet noise […]
MEAM Seminar: “Harnessing Physical Intelligence for High-Performance Soft Robots”
Different from neuron-based computational intelligence through the brain, physical intelligence leverages structural designs and smart materials to physically encode sensing, actuation, control, adaption, and decision-making into the body of an […]
MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Surface and Interface Engineering in Manipulation and Fabrication of Colloid-Based Sub-Microporous Hierarchical Materials and Their Applications”
Nanolattices exhibit attractive mechanical, energy conversion, and optical properties, but it is challenging to fabricate nanolattices in large scale while maintaining the dense hierarchical nanometer features that enable their properties. […]
MEAM Seminar: “Materials and Manufacturing Solutions for Sustainable Energy”
In response to the grave and escalating threat of climate change, the US Department of Energy has announced a series of ambitious Energy Earth Shot Initiatives. These target an 80% […]
PICS Colloquium: “Group-Theoretic Approach for Nonlinear Problems in Mechanics with High Symmetry Avoids Use of Imperfections”
Many interesting problems in nonlinear mechanics, from classical to more recent, pertain to applications with high initial symmetry: from the buckling of thin walled structures to the morphing in architected […]
MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Room-temperature Electrochemical Healing of Structural Metals”
For over 6,000 years, repairing high-strength metallic materials has required high temperatures and large energy inputs. Likewise, recent innovations in self-healing and repairable metals have remained limited by the need […]
MEAM Seminar: “Development of Astronomical Instrumentation to Study the Birth and Evolution of the Universe”
The study of the early universe requires deep high-resolution maps of the sky at millimeter and submillimeter. This requires the development of state-of-the-art cryogenic receivers and custom built telescopes. These […]
MEAM Seminar: “Manually-Operated, Slider Cassette for Multiplexed Molecular Detection at the Point of Care”
Effective control of epidemics, individualized medicine, and new drugs with virologic response-dependent dose and timing require, among other things, simple, inexpensive, multiplexed molecular detection platforms suitable for point of care […]
MEAM Seminar: “The Challenges and Opportunities of Battery-Powered Flight”
Sustainable transportation and aviation are critical to address climate change and renewable energy powered battery electric vehicles represent a promising path towards this goal. I will discuss the performance metrics […]
MEAM Seminar: MEAM Faculty Research Overview
Please join us on Tuesday, September 13 for a series of short research talks by MEAM faculty. Five MEAM faculty will give “flash talks” to introduce their research activities and recent […]