5th Annual Learning for Dynamics & Control Conference
Over the next decade, the biggest generator of data is expected to be devices that sense and control the physical world. The explosion of real-time data that is emerging from […]
BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Design, Modeling and Optimization of a Tape Spring Steerable Needle” (Omar Abdoun)
The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Mark Yim are pleased to announce the doctoral dissertation defense of Omar Abdoun. Title: DESIGN, MODELING, AND OPTIMIZATION OF A […]
MEAM Seminar: “Computational Study on the Influence of Roughness at Low and Very-High Reynolds Numbers”
Many fluid problems of interest, such as turbulent flow over an airplane or transport processes in geophysical flows, contain wall-bounded regions that form boundary layers. Oftentimes, both numerical and experimental […]
MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Transport Modeling and Design of Electrode Architectures for High Energy Density Batteries”
With the ever-increasing production of portable electronics, internet of things devices, electric vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and other autonomous robotic systems comes an increasing demand for reliable, long-lasting, portable power […]
MEAM Seminar: “Progress on Templates for Spined and Tailed Legged Robots”
By mirroring the success of biological systems, legged robots have the potential to be successful in almost every terrestrial environment. While legged machines have made significant advancements in the past […]
MEAM Seminar: “Addressing Sensitivity-Induced Challenges in Modeling Rigid-Body Systems with Frictional Impacts”
Imperfect but useful physical models play a crucial role in planning and controlling robot locomotion and manipulation. However, as the field shifts toward complex real-world applications, model accuracy requirements are […]
Penn Engineering Portrait Celebration in Honor of Ms. Cora Ingrum and Ms. Donna Hampton
Dean Vijay Kumar invites members of the Penn Engineering community to attend the unveiling of commissioned portraits of: Ms. Cora Ingrum by Patricia Watwood and Ms. Donna Hampton by Ashon […]
MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Aluminum Scandium Nitride (AlScN) Films for Microelectromechanical Systems”
Advancements in wireless and sensor technology have resulted in increasing demand for piezoelectric MEMS devices in wireless handsets and base stations, automobile technology, health monitoring sensors, and environmental sensors. Due […]
Penn Engineering 2023 Commencement Open House
Immediately following the University Ceremony, Penn Engineering will host an Open House for the School’s returning graduates and their families throughout the first floors of the main Engineering complex. Included […]
MEAM Seminar: “Design, Characterization, and Fabrication of Low-Cost, Passive, and Biodegradable Sensors for Precision Agriculture”
With the global population projected to reach 9.1 billion people by 2050 there is a need to develop highly efficient agricultural systems that can reliably maximize crop yield. Precision Agriculture […]