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MEAM Seminar: “Robots that Evolve on Demand”

Soft robots have the potential to adapt their morphologies and behavioral control policies to changing tasks and environments. Inspired by the dynamic plasticity of living organisms and the general adaptability […]

MEAM Seminar: “Leveraging Impedance Properties for Free Self-Sensing in Actuators for Compact Robots”

Self-sensing actuators provide a compelling approach to designing compact robotic systems by integrating sensing capabilities directly into the actuator, eliminating the need for external sensors. This presentation, titled “Leveraging Impedance […]

MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Exploring Multimodal Sensing Across the Stack for Robot Manipulation”

Despite substantial progress in robotics, achieving human-like manipulation remains a significant challenge. Existing robotic systems typically leverage human-inspired sensory modalities: vision, touch, and proprioception. However, these modalities are historically studied […]

MEAM Seminar: “Differentiable Algorithms for Non-differentiable Robotics: Dexterous Manipulation via Implicit Learning and Control”

As we ask our robotic systems to become more capable, with the ultimate aim of deploying robots into complex and ever-changing scenarios, the vast space of potential tasks drives the […]

IDEAS Seminar: “Equivariant Neural Inertial Odometry”

Abstract:  In this talk, we introduce a new class of problems related to integrating inertial measurements obtained from an IMU that play a significant role in navigation combined with visual […]

MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Semantics-Driven Active Perception and Navigation with Aerial Robots”

Autonomous aerial robots today are capable of safely navigating through cluttered, GPS-denied environments while constructing an accurate map that captures geometric features such as points, lines, and planes. Such maps […]

MEAM Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Controlling Contact Transitions for Dynamic Robots”

Legged robots, robotic manipulators, and their combined embodiment as humanoid robots have received considerable attention across both academia and industry. However, with few notable exceptions, state-of-the-art demonstrations are significantly less […]

MEAM Seminar: “Towards Understanding Tactile Sensing Across the Robot Manipulation Stack”

Humans are exceptionally skilled at manipulating a diverse range of objects, apparent from the order of magnitude difference in sizes, weight distributions, stiffnesses, and geometries of items we use on […]

MEAM Seminar: “Soft Pneumatic Force Application through Membrane Design and Stiffness Control”

Modern robotic platforms are designed for precision, but their cost and rigidity make them impractical for many at-home physical human-robot interaction (pHRI) applications. Soft pneumatic actuators (SPA) have potential as […]

MEAM Seminar: “Dynamic Bipedal Walking on Unstructured Terrain through Real-Time Perception and Control”

Bipedal robots have seen significant interest from academia and industry for their potential to efficiently traverse unstructured environments, such as disaster zones, industrial infrastructure, and cluttered homes. Autonomous bipedal walking […]

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