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Community for Rigor Public Talk and Live Podcast Recording: “Rigor in Plain English”

You’ve probably seen reports about reproducibility issues and science gone wrong due to lack of rigor. But what does it mean to do rigorous scientific research? If the word conjures […]

Penn Engineering 2024 Commencement Open House

On Monday, May 20, 2024, from 12:15-2:15 p.m., Penn Engineering will host an Open House for the School’s returning graduates and their families throughout the first floors of the main […]

Celebrating Penn Engineers: Past, Present and Future

Penn Engineering invites all alumni, family and friends to join us for the dedication of two new hallway installations that honor the past while inspiring the future. Join Dean Kumar […]

ASSET Seminar: “Lifelong Learning for Autonomous Systems: Progress and Challenges” (Eric Eaton, University of Pennsylvania)

ABSTRACT: Research in lifelong or continual machine learning has advanced rapidly over the past few years, primarily focusing on enabling learned models to acquire new tasks over time while avoiding […]

Entrepreneurship Seminar Series: Pathways to Impact

Entrepreneurship Seminar Series: Pathways to Impact This session brings together a panel of current and former faculty and PhDs that have brought their technology to market and have worked in […]

Raj and Neera Singh Program in Artificial Intelligence Town Hall

ASSET Seminar: “What Should We “Trust” in Trustworthy Machine Learning?” (Aaron Roth, University of Pennsylvania)

ABSTRACT: “Trustworthy Machine Learning” has become a buzz-word in recent years. But what exactly are the semantics of the promise that we are supposed to trust? In this talk we will make a proposal, through the lens […]

Career Steps Before Graduation Seminar

On Friday, April 12,2024, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering is hosting an information session dedicated to equipping you with insights on the essential steps to secure a career […]

CIS Seminar: ” Empowering Large Language Models with Efficient and Automated Systems”

Large Language Models (LLMs) have brought remarkable advancements to the computing industry. However, a high barrier exists between the LLMs and the vast majority of researchers and practitioners, brought by […]

CIs Seminar: “Privacy-Preserving Systems for a Data-Driven World”

The potential of data to transform science and society has spurred unparalleled efforts to collect it in increasingly sensitive and granular forms, which has raised a variety of societal concerns […]

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