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CIS Seminar: “Frameworks for Efficient Algorithms for Learning: Robustness and Data Compression”

Though modern machine learning has been highly successful, as we move towards more critical applications, many challenges towards building trustworthy systems, such as ensuring robustness, privacy, and fairness, arise. Ad […]

ASSET Seminar: “Building a Foundation for Trustworthy Machine Learning” (Elan Rosenfeld, Carnegie Mellon University)

ABSTRACT: Artificial Intelligence is being increasingly relied on in safety-critical domains. But the predictive models underlying these systems are notoriously brittle, and trustworthy deployment remains a significant challenge. In this […]

CIS/IDEAS Seminar: “Flow matching and optimal transport with applications to cell trajectories and protein design”

ABSTRACT: Flow matching models learn a (possibly stochastic) mapping between source and target distributions. Common paradigms include diffusion models, score matching models, and continuous normalizing flows. In this talk I […]

Research Impact Seminar – Bring Your Research Out of the Lab (Penn Engineering Entrepreneurship)

Learn how to commercialize your research and navigate Penn’s innovation ecosystem with Penn Engineering: Entrepreneurship. This is the first part of a series from Penn Engineering’s Entrepreneurship group. Featuring: Andrew […]

CIS Seminar: “Decision Making with Internet-Scale Knowledge”

Machine learning models pretrained on internet data have acquired broad knowledge about the world but struggle to solve complex tasks that require extended reasoning and planning. Sequential decision making, on […]

ASSET Seminar: “Reasoning Myths about Language Models: What is Next?” (Dan Roth, University of Pennsylvania)

ABSTRACT:  The rapid progress made over the last few years in generating linguistically coherent natural language has blurred, in the mind of many, the difference between natural language generation, understanding, […]

CIS Seminar: “Modern Clouds: Side-Channel Attacks and Defenses”

Cloud computing, which has seen significant growth over the past decade, fundamentally relies on the sharing of hardware resources among users. This approach enhances resource utilization and reduces operational costs. […]

CIS Seminar: ” Secure systems from insecure components”

In many computer systems today, an attacker that breaks one system component can steal data from millions of users. In this talk, I will present three systems that can withstand […]

Women in Data Science @ Penn

The Wharton School and Penn Engineering are proud to host the fifth annual Women in Data Science (WiDS) @ Penn Conference on February 8-9, 2024, on the University of Pennsylvania’s […]

Evolution of Data Storytelling: Women in Data Science x Penn Museum Tour + Workshop

Join us for an exciting kick-off event at the Penn Museum as part of the Women in Data Science (WiDS) @ Penn conference, where the past meets the future in a guided tour and storytelling workshop.

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