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CIS Seminar: ” Quantum Computation and Cryptography: a changing landscape”

This talk will also be held on zoom:
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554 Passcode: 488035

CIS Seminar: “Forward and Inverse Causal Inference in a Tensor Framework”

Talk will be held in Wu & Chen and on zoom
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554
Passcode: 488035

CIS Seminar: “Fast and Effective Analytics for Big Multi-Dimensional Data”

Today, automated processes, Internet‑of‑Things deployments, and Web and mobile applications generate an overwhelming amount of high‑dimensional data. Meanwhile, computational resources remain limited, and advances in machine learning (ML) create a […]

CIS Seminar: “Formal verification of a concurrent file system”

This talk will also be onzoom
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554 Passcode: 488035

CIS Seminar: “Reasoning and Learning in Interactive Natural Language Systems”

This talk will also be onzoom
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554 Passcode: 488035

CIS Seminar: “Verifiable Machine Learning for Security”

This talk will also be onzoom
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554 Passcode: 488035

CIS Seminar: “Optimizing CPU Efficiency and Tail Latency in Datacenters”

This talk will also be on zoom
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554 Passcode: 488035

CIS Seminar: “Statistical Machine learning for genetics and health: multi-modality, interpretability, mechanism”

This talk will be on zoom only
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554 Passcode: 488035

CIS Seminar: “Towards Scalable Representation Learning for Visual Recognition”

This talk will be on Zoom as well
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554 Passcode: 488035

CIS Seminar: “Unleashing the Potential of In-Network Computing”

This talk will also be onzoom
Meeting ID: 929 2835 8554 Passcode: 488035

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