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Theory Seminar- Rachel Cummings (Columbia University)

Theory Seminar- Recent Developments in Combinatorial Auctions, Matt Weinberg (Princeton University)

Abstract: In a combinatorial auction there are m items, and each of n players has a valuation function v_i which maps sets of items to non-negative reals. A designer wishes […]

Theory Seminar- Aaron Roth (University of Pennsylvania)

Abstract: Dawid gives two conceptualizations for models of individual probabilities: “Group to Individual” and “Individual to Group”. A classical concern about the “Group to Individual” view of probability is the […]

CIS Seminar: “Live Programming and Programming by Example: Better Together”

For those that can not attend in person here is a zoom link for viewing purposes:
Meeting ID: 922 5168 8978
Passcode: 289824

ASSET Seminar: Statistical and Machine Learning for Electronic Health Records: Challenges and Opportunities, Qi Long (University of Pennsylvania)

ABSTRACT: Electronic health records (EHRs) offer great promises in advancing clinical research and transforming learning health systems. However, complex, temporal EHRs are fraught with biases and present daunting analytical challenges […]

ASSET Seminar: ML for Causal Inference, Konrad Kording, University of Pennsylvania

ABSTRACT Machine learning traditionally does not get at causality and causality research traditionally treats machine learning as a dangerous set of highly biased estimators. In my talk I will talk […]

ASSET Seminar: AI and Medicine: One Possible Future for Augmented Care, Kevin B Johnson (University of Pennsylvania)

Abstract: Scientific discoveries, fueled by data collected during the course of care, are promising to radically change how we think about health, disease, prevention and treatment. However, the very systems […]

ASSET Seminar: Scallop: A Language for Neuro-Symbolic Programming, Mayur Naik (University of Pennsylvania)

ABSTRACT: Neurosymbolic learning is an emerging paradigm which, at its core, combines the otherwise complementary worlds of classical algorithms and deep learning; in doing so, it ushers in more accurate, […]

ASSET Seminar: Building Safe Autonomous Systems, Rahul Mangharam (University of Pennsylvania)

ABSTRACT: Balancing performance and safety are crucial to deploying autonomous vehicles in multi-agent environments. In particular, autonomous racing is a domain that penalizes safe but conservative policies, highlighting the need […]

ASSET Seminar: Decision-Aware Learning for Global Health Supply Chains, Osbert Bastani (University of Pennsylvania)

ABSTRACT: Machine learning algorithms are increasingly used in conjunction with optimization to guide decision making. A key challenge is aligning the machine learning loss with the decision-making loss. Existing solutions […]

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