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ESE Grace Hopper Lecture – “Disrupting NextG”

As 5G takes to the airwaves, we now turn our imagination to the next generation of wireless technology. The promise of this technology has created an international race to innovate, […]

CBE Doctoral Dissertation: “From Nanoplates to Bottlebrushes: Engineering Thermodynamics in Polymer Nanocomposites” (Christian Tabedzki)

Abstract: Polymer nanocomposites (PNCs) represent a diverse class of materials where manipulating design parameters is crucial for tailoring material properties. Of utmost importance for nanocomposites is nanoparticle dispersion, which is […]

CBE Doctoral Dissertation: “A Multiscale Computational Framework for Simulating Thrombus Growth Under Flow” (Kaushik Shankar)

Abstract: Modeling thrombus growth in pathological flows allows evaluation of risk under patient-specific pharmacological, hematological, and hemodynamical conditions. To this end, we have developed a 3D multiscale framework for the […]

CBE Doctoral Dissertation: “Understanding and Controlling Polymer-Porous Solid Interactions for Catalytic Recycling of Polymers” (Tian Ren)

Abstract: Understanding and controlling polymer-solid interactions is critical for optimizing the catalytic processes involved in polymer upcycling. In this Ph.D. thesis, I explored the intricacies of polymer behavior in nanoporous […]

BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Physiologically Induced High Gaussian Curvature Drives Nuclear Lamina Rupture and Cytoskeletal Displacement—Contributing to Downstream Dysfunction” (Michael Tobin)

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Dennis Discher are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Michael Tobin. Title: Physiologically Induced High Gaussian Curvature Drives […]

CBE Seminar: “Design of Solid-state Nanomaterials for Electrocatalysis: A Case Study of Oxygen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalysts” (Yang, UIUC)

High-level control of atomic and surface structures is a hallmark of the application of nanomaterials in a range of electrochemical and electrocatalytic devices, such as water electrolyzer. They play critical […]

CBE Seminar: “Revolutionizing Bioimaging to Elevate Human Health”

Holistic imaging of diverse functional, anatomical, and molecular architecture that span multiple levels, from cells to an entire system, remains a major challenge in biology. In this talk, I will […]

CBE Seminar: “Facile Synthesis of Polymeric Nanomaterials via Chemical Vapor Deposition Techniques” (Yang, Cornell)

Polymer is often considered one of the most prevalent materials in the modern age. While it has been predominantly synthesized in solution and processed into a variety of macroscopic sizes […]

CBE Seminar: “Energetic Constraints on Biological Assembly and Motion” (Murrell, Yale)

On small length-scales, the mechanics of soft materials may be dominated by their interfacial properties as opposed to their bulk properties. These effects are described by equilibrium models of elasto-capillarity […]

CBE Seminar: “Fabrication and Long-term Reliability of High Efficiency Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cells” (Agarwal, Colorado School of Mines)

Global energy demand will continue to increase, and the ability of fossil fuels to meet these demands is limited due to the associated climate change concerns. In response to these […]

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