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CBE Doctoral Thesis Defense: “Utilization of Mems Techniques for the Fabrication of Scalable Energy Storage Devices”

Committee: Sue Ann Bidstrup Allen, Advisor; Raymond Gorte, John Vohs and Mark Allen

CBE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Polymer Infiltration Under Extreme Confinement”

Committee: Daeyeon Lee and Robert A. Riggleman, Co-advisors; Ravi Radhakrishnan and Zahra Fakhraai

CBE Doctoral Defense: “Alternating Multi-block Polyethylenes with Associating Groups: Self-Assembled Nanoscale Morphologies and Ion Transport”

Committee: Karen Winey, Advisor; Daeyeon Lee, Robert Riggleman and Chinedum Osuji

CBE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Alternating Multiblock Polyethylenes with Associating Groups: Self-Assembled Nanoscale Morphologies and Ion Transport”

Thesis Committee: Karen Winey, Advisor; Daeyeon Lee, Robert Riggleman and Chinedum Osuji

CBE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Improving Performance of Infiltrated SOFC Cathodes via Scaffold Engineering and Catalyst Surface Engineering”

Committee Members: Raymond J. Gorte and John M. Vohs, Co-Advisors; Aleksandra Vojvodic and Donald Berry.

CBE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Utilization of MEMS Techniques for the Fabrication of Scalable Energy Storage Devices”

Committee Members: Sue Ann Bidstrup Allen, Advisor; Raymond Gorte, John Vohs and Mark Allen.

CBE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Insights for catalyst design: A systematic investigation of the morphological dependence of catalytic and photocatalytic activity for nanostructured titania”

Committee Members: John V. Vohs, Advisor; Raymond J. Gorte, Aleksandra Vojvodic and Christopher B. Murray

CBE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Selective Conversion of Biomass Model Compounds Using Promoted Metal Catalysts”

Committee Members: Raymond J. Gorte, Advisor; John M. Vohs, Aleksandra Vojvodic and Bingjun Xu

Penn Engineering Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony

Doors open for guest seating at 1:30 p.m. Access livestream here.

Penn Engineering Master’s Commencement Ceremony

Doors open for guest seating at 3:00 p.m. Access livestream here.

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