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PSOC Seminar: Denise Montell, University of California, Santa Barbara

PSOC@Penn Seminar, Wednesday Nov 29th   ** New Location ** DRL 2N3 2N3 conference/seminar room is in DRL 2nd floor towards end of hallway that parallels Walnut St -Noon – […]

BE Doctoral Dissertation: “Piezo1 regulation of muscle stem cell heterogeneity and function and skeletal muscle generation” (Nuoying Ma)

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Foteini Mourkioti are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Nuoying Ma. Title: Piezo1 regulation of muscle stem […]

Penn Bioengineering 50th Anniversary Lecture: “Synthetic Biology: Programmable Biology” (James J. Collins, MIT & Harvard)

Celebrate 50 years and beyond of Penn Bioengineering! This distinguished lecture will be held in honor of the Department of Bioengineering’s 50th Anniversary. Dr. Collins will deliver his talk in […]

BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Reversing Engineering the Anesthetic State: Insights from Behavior and CNS Circuit Cracking” (Andrzej Wasilczuk)

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Max Kelz are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Andrzej Wasilczuk Reversing Engineering the Anesthetic State: Insights […]

BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “A robotic system for automated genetics of Caenorhabditis elegans” (John Zihao Li)

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Christopher Fang-Yen are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of John Zihao Li. Title: A robotic system for automated […]

Herman P. Schwan Distinguished Lecture: “Seeing the Unseen: How AI Redefines Bioengineering” (Dorin Comaniciu, Siemens Healthineers)

Abstract coming soon. The lecture and Q&A will be followed by a light reception in Levine Lobby. The Herman P. Schwan Distinguished Lecture is in honor of one of the […]

BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Physiologically Induced High Gaussian Curvature Drives Nuclear Lamina Rupture and Cytoskeletal Displacement—Contributing to Downstream Dysfunction” (Michael Tobin)

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Dennis Discher are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Michael Tobin. Title: Physiologically Induced High Gaussian Curvature Drives […]

BE Seminar: “Synthetic Genome Regulation for Cell and Tissue Engineering” (Timothy Downing, UC Irvine)

Molecular heterogeneity is emerging as a critical feature of multicellular life. While single-cell analyses have revealed the existence of cell-to-cell variation in the levels and activities of the molecules responsible for gene regulation, the source of such variation is still poorly understood. The Downing Lab […]

BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Mapping variable host gene expression states to viral infection” (Sam Reffsin)

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Arjun Raj are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Sam Reffsin. Title: Mapping variable host gene expression […]

MEAM Seminar: “Advancing Bioadhesive Technologies with Mechanical Principles”

Bioadhesive technologies are important in a wide range of applications, spanning from wound management to wearable technologies. Forming and controlling tough adhesion on biological tissues has been a long-lasting challenge, […]

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