Department of Bioengineering Juneteenth Address: “A White Neighbor, a Black Surgeon, and a Mormon Computer Scientist Walk into a Bar…” (Kevin B. Johnson)
“A White Neighbor, a Black Surgeon, and a Mormon Computer Scientist Walk into a Bar…” As we recognize Juneteenth, a holiday that brings awareness to what journalist Corey Mitchell calls […]
BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Detecting and Localizing Progressive Changes In Longitudinal MRI of the Hippocampal Region in Alzheimer’s Disease” (Mengjin Dong)
The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Paul Yushkevich are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Mengjin Dong. Title: Detecting and Localizing Progressive Changes […]
BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Design, Modeling and Optimization of a Tape Spring Steerable Needle” (Omar Abdoun)
The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Mark Yim are pleased to announce the doctoral dissertation defense of Omar Abdoun. Title: DESIGN, MODELING, AND OPTIMIZATION OF A […]
Penn Engineering Portrait Celebration in Honor of Ms. Cora Ingrum and Ms. Donna Hampton
Dean Vijay Kumar invites members of the Penn Engineering community to attend the unveiling of commissioned portraits of: Ms. Cora Ingrum by Patricia Watwood and Ms. Donna Hampton by Ashon […]
BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Next-generation Analyses of T Cell Receptor Repertoires” (Michael Malone)
The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Jenny Jiang are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Michael Malone. Title: Next-generation Analyses of T Cell […]
BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Resident Macrophages in Tendon Growth and Development” (Catherine Bautista)
The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Nathaniel Dyment are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Catherine Bautista. Title: Resident Macrophages in Tendon Growth […]
Penn Engineering 2023 Commencement Open House
Immediately following the University Ceremony, Penn Engineering will host an Open House for the School’s returning graduates and their families throughout the first floors of the main Engineering complex. Included […]
2023 Franklin Medal Symposium Honoring Nader Engheta: “Sculpting Waves with Complex Structures” (Villanova Livestream)
*This is an event hosted by Villanova University. To gain access to the livestream, you must register to attend.* Featuring presentations by a select group of world-class experts, this symposium […]
BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Engineering stem cells and organoids on a chip for the study of human health and disease” (Sunghee Estelle Park)
The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Dan Huh are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Sunghee Estelle Park. Title: Engineering stem cells and […]
2023 Heilmeier Award Lecture: Dr. Dani S. Bassett
“On Being Curious” What is curiosity? Is it an emotion? A behavior? A cognitive process? Curiosity seems to be an abstract concept — like love, perhaps, or justice — far […]