MEAM Seminar: “Modeling the Unique Behaviors of Liquid Crystal Elastomers”
January 21 at 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs) exhibit complex thermomechanical behaviors that can be harnessed for a wide variety of applications in soft robotics, biomedical devices, and impact protection. The material comprises stiff mesogens bound in an elastomeric network of flexible polymer chains. The mesogens can order and disorder in response to temperature and mechanical deformation. This allows LCEs to undergo reversible phase transitions between the disordered isotropic, ordered monodomain, and polydomain states. The motion of the mesogens relative to the polymer network also leads to unique behaviors, including large reversible actuation response to temperature and soft elasticity. LCEs also display enhanced dissipation over conventional elastomers from the viscous rotation and ordering of the mesogens and relaxation of the network chains. The viscoelastic dissipation mechanisms can be exploited to design LCE materials and structures with extraordinary toughness, impact energy absorption, and mechanical damping. Yet, these same properties may impede the actuation and morphing capabilities of the material. Predictive modeling is needed to efficiently design and optimize LCE structures to achieve the desired performance. This presentation will describe our efforts to develop generalized continuum theories for the thermoviscoelastic behavior of monodomain nematic elastomers that describe the viscous director rotation, viscous mesogen ordering, and viscoelastic network deformation mechanisms. We specified constitutive functions for the nematic and mechanical components of the free energy density and viscosities based on experimental observations, and applied the resulting models to design energy-absorbing architected materials, evaluate the effectiveness of actuators, and optimize the director pattern of monodomain nematic elastomeric sheets to maximize viscoelastic dissipation.
Thao "Vicky" Nguyen
Professor and Marlin U. Zimmerman, Jr. Faculty Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Thao (Vicky) Nguyen received her S.B. from MIT in 1998, and M.S. and Ph.D. from Stanford in 2004, all in mechanical engineering. She was a research scientist at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore from 2004- 2007 before joining Johns Hopkins University, where she is currently a Professor in Mechanical Engineering with secondary appointments in Materials Science and Engineering and Ophthalmology. She is also Deputy Director of the Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute. Dr. Nguyen’s research encompasses the mechanics of soft tissues, stimuli-responsive soft materials, and engineering polymers. Her lab currently studies the biomechanics of the optic nerve head in glaucoma, the mechanics of recycled polymers, and the mechanical behavior of liquid crystal elastomers and DNA hydrogels. Dr. Nguyen has received numerous awards, including the 2008 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) and the NNSA Office of Defense Programs Early Career Scientists and Engineer Awards for her work on modeling the thermomechanical behavior of shape memory polymers. In 2013, she received the NSF CAREER award for studying the micromechanisms of growth and remodeling of collagenous tissues, the Eshelby Mechanics Award for Young Faculty, and the Sia Nemat-Nasser Early Career Medal from the Materials Division of ASME. She received the T.J.R. Hughes Young Investigator Award from the ASME Applied Mechanics Division in 2015, the Van C. Mow Medal from the ASME Bioengineering Division in 2024, and the James R. Rice Medal from the Society of Engineering Science in 2025. She is a Fellow of ASME and the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). She served as the President of the Society of Engineering Science (SES) in 2020 and is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Biomechanical Engineering.