ODEI Spotlight: SAC Fall Activities Fair Day 2

This is an opportunity to get to know more about the many undergraduate student organizations that exist at Penn. In addition to the in-person events being hosted 8/31-9/2 on College Green, groups will be available to connect virtually from 6-8pm these same days via PennClubs.com.

ODEI Spotlight: SAC Fall Activities Fair Day 3

This is an opportunity to get to know more about the many undergraduate student organizations that exist at Penn. In addition to the in-person events being hosted 8/31-9/2 on College Green, groups will be available to connect virtually from 6-8pm these same days via PennClubs.com.

ODEI Spotlight: Career Services’ 2021 Engineering Career Day (Virtual Career Fair)

Calling all Penn Engineers, candidates in STEM fields and those interested in engineering and technology - you're warmly invited to Engineering Career Day 2021!! Organizations participating are seeking undergraduate and graduate degree candidates, postdoctoral fellows and young alumni for internships and full-time opportunities! When they register, they indicate the majors and academic levels of the […]

Treeswift and the Penn Journey: From Research to Startup


Treeswift is building the next generation of forest monitoring systems, providing forest stakeholders with precision data and analyses that are easily accessible and flexible. Treeswift's services are used in carbon capture estimation, timber value estimation, deforestation monitoring, advanced growth forecasting, and forest management. Treeswift makes complex forests easier to manage using robotics and artificial intelligence. This […]

VIPER Lightning Talks: Addressing Energy Challenges Through Undergraduate Research


The Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) is a dual-degree undergraduate program at the University of Pennsylvania that prepares students to be the next generation of energy leaders. Join us to learn more about the work they are doing to address energy and sustainability challenges through their undergraduate research. Graduates of the program gain […]

Plastic Waste: Global Challenges and Opportunities


This event will be a panel discussion on polymer waste as a global societal challenge; recent efforts on polymer upcycling will be discussed.

Global Discovery Series: Climate Change and Cities


Professor Michael Weisberg, Director of Post-Graduate Programs at the Perry World House, and Perry World House Visiting Fellow and Penn Alumna Lolita Jackson talk about the impacts of climate change at the municipal level. While vastly different in scale, New York City and the Galápagos Town of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno (population 8000), the towns in […]

Sustainability and the Building Environment: Building Materials and Cooling Strategies that Combat a Warming Planet


Air conditioning today accounts for nearly 20% of the total electricity used in buildings around the world and over 10% of the total primary energy use in the US. Already a major contributor to climate change, cooling energy demand is predicted to significantly increase over the next decades with urbanization, population growth and global warming. […]

Penn Electric Racing and the Future of EV Engineering

Wu and Chen Auditorium (Room 101), Levine Hall 3330 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Penn Electric Racing is Penn's award winning Formula SAE electric racing team. Every year, we design and manufacture an electric racecar and compete against schools from across the country. This experience gives our students invaluable skills, allowing us to jumpstart careers in the EV industry. In this event, we will discuss the role of EV's […]