Doctoral Dissertation: “Biomechanical & Biochemical Contributions of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Joint Pain: Models, Mechanisms & Patients”

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Beth Winkelstein are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Meagan Ita.   Title: "Biomechanical & Biochemical Contributions of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Joint Pain: Models, Mechanisms & Patients" Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 922 6922 8349

Doctoral Dissertation: “Implantable Micro-Tissue Engineered Nerve Grafts to Maintain Regenerative Capacity and Facilitate Functional Recovery Following Nervous System Injury” (Justin Burrell)

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. D. Kacy Cullen are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Justin Burrell. Title:  Implantable Micro-Tissue Engineered Nerve Grafts to Maintain Regenerative Capacity and Facilitate Functional Recovery Following Nervous System Injury  The public is welcome to attend virtually via Bluejeans.

Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Multiscale Modeling of Cell Fate Switching to Predict Patient-specific Responses to Combination Cancer Therapy” (Lindsey Fernandez)

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Ravi Radhakrishnan are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Lindsey Fernandez. The public is welcome to attend via Blujeans (Meeting ID 680 058 608 4). Title: "Multiscale Modeling of Cell Fate Switching to Predict Patient-specific Response to Combination Cancer Therapy"

BE Doctoral Dissertation Defense: “Magnetic Resonance Imaging Assessment of Maternal Uteroplacental Hemodynamics During Pregnancy” (Eileen Hwuang)

The Department of Bioengineering along with Drs. Walter Witschey and John Detre are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Eileen Hwuang. The public is welcome to attend via Zoom. Title: "Magnetic resonance imaging assessment of maternal uteroplacental hemodynamics during pregnancy" Zoom link Meeting ID: 745 723 0989 Passcode: 526101

CBE PhD Dissertation Defense | Exploring the Molecular Origins of Icephilicity Using Specialized Molecular Simulations

Zoom - Email CBE for link

Abstract: Exercising control over the formation of ice and similar crystalline structures is important in a variety of contexts, from preserving organs for transplant to preventing clathrate hydrate plugs in natural gas pipelines. To achieve this control, it is crucial to understand nucleation phenomena at the molecular level. Studies have shown that heterogeneous nucleation proceeds […]

ESE Seminar: “(Re)building Human Dexterity: Inferring Musculoskeletal Dynamics for Next-Generation Assistive Devices & Diagnostics”

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While there exist a number of mechanically sophisticated exoskeletons, prostheses, and assistive robots, with articulations similar to those of the intact human arm and hand, these devices remain limited in their ability to augment human dexterity and safely interact with human users and collaborators. In particular, due to the limits of conventional sensing, robots remain […]

BE Dissertation Defense: “Microtissue Engineered Neural Networks as Optically-Controlled Living Electrodes for Circuit Modeling and Neuroprosthetics” (Dayo Adewole)

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. D. Kacy Cullen are pleased to announce the Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Dayo Adewole. Title:  Microtissue Engineered Neural Networks as Optically-Controlled Living Electrodes for Circuit Modeling and Neuroprosthetics Date: February 22, 2021 Time: 9:00am Please join via the zoom link below: YVFuVkxsZDk2NGRJU0tzREh3SDUzQT09 The […]

ESE Seminar: “Sensing the Physical World using Pervasive Wireless Infrastructure”

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Emerging applications such as smart cities, autonomous vehicles, and mixed reality rely on embedded systems that are engaging with the physical environment through sensors. Building upon this connection, my vision is to advance Omnipresent Sensing by harnessing the wireless infrastructure in and around buildings and cities to act as a non-intrusive sensing platform. This is possible by […]