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ESE Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Computer-aided Clinical Trials for Medical Devices”

Life-critical medical devices require robust safety and efficacy to treat patient populations with potentially large inter-patient and intra-patient variability. Today, the de facto standard for evaluating medical devices is the […]

ESE Fall Colloquium Seminar – “New Materials for Three Dimensional Ferroelectric Microelectronics”

In the last decade, there have been major changes in the families of ferroelectric materials available for integration with CMOS electronics.  These new materials, including Hf1-xZrxO2, Al1-xScxN, Al1-xBxN and Zn1-xMgxO, […]

Singh Center for Nanotechnology 2021 Annual User Meeting

MEAM Seminar: “Electrets, Magnetics and Deformation in Soft Materials”

Soft robotics, energy harvesting, large-deformation sensing and actuation, are just some of the applications that can be enabled by soft dielectrics that demonstrate substantive electromechanical coupling. Imagine now also a […]

Technology, Business and Government Lecture: Arvind Krishna, Chairman and CEO, IBM

You can view the recording of this event with this link: Zoom link

ESE PhD Dissertation Defense: “Balancing Fit and Complexity in Learned Representations”

Thesis Title: Balancing Fit and Complexity in Learned Representations Abstract: This dissertation is about learning representations of functions while restricting complexity. In machine learning, maximizing the fit and minimizing the […]

Penn Engineering Commencement: Doctoral Ceremony Virtual Recognition

Join us to hear a message from Dr. Vijay Kumar, Nemirovsky Family Dean of Penn Engineering, and view a virtual roll call of the Class of 2021 doctoral graduates, complete […]

Penn Engineering Commencement: Undergraduate and Master’s Virtual Recognition

Join us to hear a message from Dr. Vijay Kumar, Nemirovsky Family Dean of Penn Engineering, remarks from student speakers and respected alumni, and messages from professors and parents. In […]

ESE Seminar: “Demystifying the Efficiency of Reinforcement Learning: Two Recent Stories”

Reinforcement learning (RL), which is frequently modeled as sequential learning and decision making in the face of uncertainty, is garnering growing interest in recent years due to its remarkable success in practice. […]

MSE Seminar: “Predicting and Controlling Scalable Quantum Systems”

Quantum materials host spectacular excited-state and nonequilibrium effects, but many of these phenomena remain challenging to control and, consequently, technologically underexplored. My group’s research, therefore, focuses on how quantum systems […]

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