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ESE Ph.D. Thesis Defense – “Learning and Control of Network Phenomena”

The intersection of dynamical systems and networks are used to model a huge variety of phenomena such as the spread of disease, multi-agent systems, opinions in social networks, and more. […]

ESE Ph.D. Thesis Defense – “Robustness of Temporal Logics with Applications to Safe Autonomy”

Signal Temporal Logic (STL) is a common way to express a broad range of real-time constraints that can be imposed on control systems. Spatial robustness of STL specifications, quantifying permissible […]

ESE Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Analysis and Control of Neural Network Dynamical Systems”

Integrating machine learning and control systems has achieved remarkable success in controlling complex dynamical systems such as autonomous vehicles. However, the resulting controlled system often has a neural network (NN) […]

ESE Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Resilient, Information Theoretic, Active Exploration for Multi-Robot Teams”

Over the past decades we have seen robots move from constrained and heavily designed industrial environments out into the world. Along with this shift there is a need for smaller, […]

ESE Ph.D. Thesis Defense: “Design of Low-power CMOS Integrated Systems: from Biomedical Applications to Optical Links”

Electronic and photonic microsystems realized in the form of integrated circuits (IC) has been revolutionizing numerous fields that traditionally exploit bulky implementations. The advantages stemming from device miniaturization have opened […]

ESE Fall Colloquium – “Using Information Geometry to Find Simple Models of Complex Processes”

Effective theories play a fundamental role in how we reason about the world. Although real physical processes are very complicated, useful models abstract away the irrelevant degrees of freedom to […]

ESE Fall Colloquium – “Micro- and Nanoscale Electro-fluidics: From Basic Research to Translational Medicine”

In this talk, I will discuss my group’s work on fabricating micro- and nanosensing platforms for health monitoring. My group has developed novel electronic sensing modalities and has demonstrated their […]

ESE Fall Colloquium – “Phase Transitions, Symmetry, and Reed-Muller Codes on BMS Channels”

This talk will begin by discussing phase transitions in high-dimensional statistical inference problems. Some effort will be made to distinguish between problems with random structure (e.g., random codes and sparse […]

ESE Fall Colloquium – “On the Principles of Parsimony and Self-Consistency: Structured Compressive Closed-Loop Transcription”

Ten years into the revival of deep networks and artificial intelligence, we propose a theoretical framework that sheds light on understanding deep networks within a bigger picture of intelligence in […]

A Celebration of the Life of Dr. Max Mintz

The CIS Department and GRASP Lab invite you to please join us on Thursday, November 17th, at 3:30pm as we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Max Mintz, Professor […]

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